Chapter Ten: Relax/Shany

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"Tay, as of right now, HELL NO!!!.", Maria says emphatically. Now hear me out I'm NOT asking Maria to marry me, I'm just curious on her thought process. She then jokes, "Was I that good last night?" I steal a piece of bacon.  "No you sucked. Straight garbage.", I joke back. "I'm just curious. Please relax.", I try to reassure her.

I don't even have a car or permanent street address as of right now, so last thing I should be trying to concentrate on is marriage. I guess cause she said the words last night, my mind drifted into that what if mode. She looks at me and chuckles.

"Garbage, huh?", she repeats. "Yup, definite trash.", I say. "So what were you then, just outta curiosity?", she asks. "Bomb, gold standard, top notch, premier. So on and so forth.", I respond. "Who says?", she asks with a faux serious look. "Me of course.", I say. I then pull her in close. She squeals loudly . I then whisper, "I can always show you again." That causes her to bite and lick her lips. I'm just about to go under the sheets when I hear my phone ring. "Shit.", I say aloud.

What the fuck? It's Lea. Maria groans and falls back. I let it go to voicemail. I was dead serious, when I said I am committed to Maria and alone. I kiss Maria on the neck and she lets out a soft moan. Then I go under the cover. I'm now satisfied because I successfully do what I planned on doing to Maria's body more than once. This was before I realize why Lea was calling. I instantly feel like shit. Today is my day for Craig.

I was supposed to use Tina's car before she went to work, but now it's too late and Maria has to go get Javi. She was willing to scheme out this plan so we can get Javi and Craig and Lea wouldn't know we were together. But I said no. "Maria, I'm not hiding you. I'm not hiding us and I don't want you to feel you have to walk on eggshells for me or anybody else.", I say.

She bites her lip. "I really do love you." Hearing those words from her is the whole reason I'm so confident in us. I'm happy and in love. Why hide it? I call Lea back after we decide to pick up Javi first. He's the closest after all . "Yeah, Lea sorry about that. I'll be over to get him within the hour.", I tell her.

Maria and I go to her ex's to get Javi and begin to go over to my old house. Of course this won't be awkward to pick up my dog I shared with my ex. But whatever, once again I'm happy and in love. When I get out the car Craig immediately runs towards me. I pet him as I walk closer to Lea. I notice her eyes never hit me.

Lea immediately looks past me and towards the car where Maria and Javi sit and wait. "Really Tay?", Lea asks. I mean it's Maria's car and once again why should I hide? It's been months, I wouldn't be mad if she had someone else. "Yeah Lea why should we hide?", I ask. "Does she know how you were just asking to get back together?", she returns.

"She was the one who told me I should ask where you saw our future.", I say. "I didn't ask to get back together.", I quickly add. "I'm just here to get my dog. I don't wanna argue.", I say. "I'm not gonna argue, I'm just saying that's kind of fucked up you brought her here." Now that annoys me. So I say, "You've done plenty of fucked up things in the past so now we're even." I grab Craig's leash. I say, "I'm gonna just leave now before I say something I'll regret." and I just leave her standing there.


Whelp, that was extremely fast. Tay was just asking me maybe a week ago about eventually getting back together. Now her and Maria are officially all boo'd up. Guess she didn't really like my answer or something. I don't know, but now I need to try move on and not dwell on my past.

According to Tay, I seem to have a problem of doing that. She told me that this weekend when I picked Craig up. I didn't know and I still don't know if I wanna be with anyone, but I will say Shany has made things in my life quite amusing.

Transitions (sequel to A Sinner's Bible) (complete) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now