Chapter Nine: Love/Revelations

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                      Maria POV

When I wake in the morning, I realize I didn't get a chance to anything I was planning on doing to Tay. But we still had a great night. I had made us all chicken tenders and spaghetti for dinner(both their faves) and then we all horsed around for the rest of the night. Javi ran us both down, hence Javi sleeping cuddled up in between Tay and I.

I go to the kitchen to make some coffee and breakfast, when I hear, "You're right I don't regret last night at all." Just spending time with her is enough for me. She wraps her arms around me. She smells and feels so good my mind goes blank. "Huh?", I respond. She moves my hair and kisses the back of my neck. She then says, "Hold on." 

Next thing I know she disappears. when she returns, I see and feel her arms wrap back around me. But in her hands is the iPod I got her for her birthday. She says, "Here." and puts the ear buds in my ears. I instantly know the song. I guess you can call it our song Kendrick Lamar's Love. Its my new ringtone for her and everything. I changed it last night. Plus its one of her favorite songs.

Even though we haven't put a title on it, if you add it all together, we've probably been together 2 months and that's not including the time years ago and all the time she was still "happy" with Lea but still spending time with me. So honestly its I guess it's been more like half a year if not longer we've been spending time together.

Its just now I feel she's mine and mine alone. She turns me around and starts bob her head and mouths the words to the song. I can't help but smile. I do love her and I know she knows I do. But, I'm still not saying it yet. I've always been raised to believe words aren't as powerful as actions. But that they still hold an immense amount of power in a person's life.

So I'm not saying it, not because I don't or can't . Or because she can't handle it or something, I'm not saying it because when I say it I also wanna know I'm the only one she feels the same way about. She's mine physically. Mentally and in the heart is what I'm waiting for. So basically she wont hear them until she's over Lea and we have a verbal understanding of what we are.

I know most people will wonder why did I fuck her then. Seems ass backwards, I know. But like said I do love her and it's not like we haven't hooked up before. It's just different now because she's indicating it's officially over. Plus, I have my needs too. I can only take so much.

"What's for breakfast?", she asks. "French toast, eggs and bacon for us and cereal for Javi.", I tell her. "Mmmm. Sounds almost as delicious as you. ALMOST.", she replies. "Speaking of my son where is he?", I ask. "He's still sleep I didn't wanna wake him.", she answers sweetly.

I smile softly. "That was extremely considerate of you.", I tell her. I give her a quick peck. "But I gotta get him up.", I say. I continue, "We have to get the day started. He needs to eat and take his vitamins. I need to go grocery shopping, Javi needs to get some new shoes. I have to the bank and go pay some bills and I need to get my oil changed."

I stop talking when she grabs me kisses me deep. It's a kiss that almost makes my knees buckle. I moan into her mouth. She stops. "Don't worry so much.", she says when she lets go of our kiss. "I'll go get him", she adds. "I have to go soon anyways. I gotta get to work and get Tina to take her to work too.", she says.

Since she's moved in with Tina she's been borrowing her car, until she gets a new one of her own. She uses mine too sometimes when she stays over. (Yes she stays over on the couch sometimes)But she knows I'm busy today, so I need it a little more. I've been thinking, keyword: thinking, of talking to her about just moving in here. But I don't wanna push it.

I smile again and say, "Thank you." Then I turn back around to the food. I don't know why anyone would ever question being in a relationship with someone like Tay but I'm not gonna worry too much. Lea's loss is my gain. I just wish Tay didn't have to get hurt in the process.

Transitions (sequel to A Sinner's Bible) (complete) Book 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن