Chapter Twelve: Little Havana pt 1&2/In Touch pt2

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My eyes go wide. "You want me to move in?", I ask. She sits up. "I asked what you think. There's a difference.", she corrects me. "Just like you ASKED about my thoughts on marriage, I'm asking your thoughts about this.", she adds.

"Tay, I know that would be huge jump. That's why asked what you THINK about it instead of asking for it. But I also know me. And I know what I want.", she says. She looks at me square in the eye. "I want what I saw today and what you've continuously have shown me.", she says.

Maria continues, "Tay we got something I've always wanted and it's something I know you want too. But it's completely up to you. All I ask is that you at least think about it, though.", she ends with. She then smiles and suddenly says, "Plus there are some perks that can come with living here. Just saying.", she says.

"Like what exactly?", I ask. "I love to cook....", she says. She then trails off. "...and I'll just say you haven't seen how high my sex drive actually is.", she adds. She gives me a sexy look and then asks, "But you do remember how much I love to give don't you?"

I will say I definitely do remember and I also remember how good she is at giving too. But I just nod and play it cool. I really need to think. Moving in would be a really big jump. So I will do some thinking. But she's right I do want it.

I stand up straight and give her a soft smile. "We'll talk about it, but later.", I tell her. "You guys should get some rest." She stands and looks at me in my eyes. She then caresses my cheek. "Listen, I'm sorry about earlier. But now you see what I mean about Andy.", she says. "She has always been very controlling.", she explains.

"But anyways, thank you for standing up for me there.", she adds softly. "You bae, right?  No doubt imma protect mines.", I tell her and wink. She pulls me in close and goes to peck my cheek. She then whispers, "Te amo papi, I'm definitely yours..." She pulls back and looks at me. "My middle school Spanish is a little rusty, but did you just tell me you loved me again?", I ask.

She chuckles and smiles "Si, papi.", she says. "What did you say to Andy?", I ask her. Her smile immediately fades. "I told her Javi is my son....I gave birth to him and if she even mentions your name again, I'd take him away in a heartbeat.", she explains.

I'm not sure if that's the smartest decision Maria could've made, but I can't say much. If I was as pissed as her, I probably would've done the same. It does make me feel extremely special to her though so that's nice. "I love you too.", I tell her and hug her. "Now go sit down and relax.", I also instruct.

She does as I say. "I'll make some tea and you can sit and drink it, while I run you a bath." As she lays back down Maria asks, "What are you doing for thanksgiving?" One year we went to my brother's house, but I usually just stayed home and cooked with Lea and spent the day with her and Craig watching football.

Now I don't have Lea or a home. So I answer honestly, "I don't know." I then think, "Damn I guess I gotta go home to Alabama..." That's when I hear, "Why don't you come to Miami with Javi and me?", she asks. I'm speechless. Jeez, now she's inviting me to meet the family. I'm about to tell her I dunno about that.

When she says, "Tay I haven't been completely honest with everyone including you." That stops me from saying anything else. "Man why can't I just find a completely honest girl?", I think. "I told my family about Javi, but I wasn't necessarily honest with you about how they actually felt about my sexuality.", she says.

"I told them I like women. But I also mentioned I was with someone named Andy when I had Javi and I wasn't gender specific. So they know, but I don't think they think I'm gay. They think it is a phase or something. They don't know I was married to a woman or that I'm with one now.", she explains.

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