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Paris, France 2009
March 20th
The day Marcel called her
Magnus p.o.v

As I finished ripping out the last man's heart out of his chest and draining it out of blood.
Then taking it to my mouth drinking it. letting The blood fall down my throat it was so sweet like sap from a maple tree.
I quickly let the heart fall to the floor and ran into the bathroom. Cleaning myself up for no human eyes to see me. When I hear a light knock at the door and Jane Warwicks little head popping in.
This girl I compelled about everything she saw of me and this room I stay in Paris.
if someone or something ever try to talk to her about me. She would never know what or who I am. But I also made her into my little eyes,ears and well anything I wanted her to be but I'm a very nice person. When she does something for me I do something for her that's reasonable to human standards. I also feel bad for her she lost her two sons and her husband I let her grieve . Then I helped her pick her self back up. So I don't think I'm such a bad person I think. quickly remembered Jane Warwick was entering the room.
"bonjour madame evans, le téléphone sonne pour vous. il y a un homme nommé marcel qui veut discuter avec vous" 
(hello madam evans, the phone rings for you. There is a man named Marcel who wants to talk to you )
oh how I love speaking this love language in The 2nd most beautiful place on earth.
"oh merci mme jane Warwick" ( oh thank you miss Jane Warwick)with her smile she gave when people spoke to her. She quickly passed me the residences phone. Then walking away until I called her back.

" hello marcel, what do I oh the pleasure of hearing your voice at this fine hour of the night?" I signed looking at the midnight sky we're the lights flickered off the Eiffel Tower.

" oh mag can I not call my dear old friend" marcel said with joy.

Then a small paused filled the air

"Ok then , I need your help? With an original problem and a little witchy problem. Can you help your dear old  friend from 1939." Marcel asked with a little bit of nerve in it.

"Sure why not , marcel. I kinda need a change of scenery I've been in Paris for so long I know every little nook and crack of this beautiful place. So yes I would love to come help you with your little problems."

" ok thanks mag, I will have place ready for you when you arrive here. So find my pal named Diego. He will be in the tinted windows of a small bar near the Main Streets of New Orleans. So see you soon my hybrid sorceress friend." As the call ended I put the phone down. Called in Jane to retrieve the phone she gave me. She looked around then  she stared right in my direction.

"Est-ce que ces hommes vous ont fait mal ou vous ont mis en colère comme plusieurs autres personnes l'ont fait ?? devrais-je appeler la police ou devrais-je demander aux femmes de ménage de nettoyer cet endroit?"
(did these men hurt you or got you angry like the other several people did?? should I call the police or should i get the maids to clean this place up?)

"oui demander aux femmes de ménage de nettoyer les taches mais je vais prendre soin des corps pour vous, Jane."
(yes ask the cleaning staff to clean the stains but I will take care of the body for you, Jane.)
I cried out then with her little smile she turned around and walked away to the door  when she Took another glance at me she said
"merci je ferai venir les femmes de ménage mais j'ai besoin de vous pour nettoyer les cadavres rapidement et je vous ai entendu dire que vous partez et si vous êtes j'espère vous le meilleur et je veux juste dire merci pour tout ai fait pour moi" (thank you I will get the cleaning ladies to come but I need you to clean up the dead bodies quick and I overheard you saying you're leaving and if you are I hope you the best and I just wanna say thank you for everything you've done for me)
as she left I turned around and saw the four gentlemen I have dropped of their blood and I will do what Jane has said I will get rid of the bodies with my magic .I'll put them in proper graves with headstones and giving their family a letter saying that they get killed for trying to protect a young girl and send my regards to them.

"merci les garçons pour le sang que vous avez donné à une grande œuvre de charité qui s'appelle bien ma soif ... mettons vos corps dans ces tombes ."
(thank you boys for the blood you gave to a great charity called my thirst well .... let's put your bodies into those graves)
So turning to see 4 deadly bodies laying on my bed with there hearts ripped out of there chest and there hearts dried like raisins on the floor. I smiled and quietly walked over and sliced their throats to look like a serial killer killed them. As my heels turned on there point . I said a quick spell and sending their bodies to their graves .
dust fills the room and is gone in seconds sending the boys away.
I walked around the room and in my closets to collect my belongings to head to New Orleans to see what marcel really wanted with me but I think it's more than meets the eye.
Well goodbye
Paris and hello New Orleans you do not know what's going to hit you in the next 24 hours.

{sorry this chapter was really long but I have so much to write I feel like this could not be divided into two chapters so I hope you really like it and I'm going to try to put up a chapter a day or more for you guys}

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