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plantation house/ Saint Ann's Church/the compound
April 2, 2009
{The taste of sweet revenge}
Magnus POV

As Rebecca and I hurry back to the house. We quickly see that Elijah is outside taking off his jacket while Sophie Deveraux is doing her part in it. Haley on the other hand is sitting by the pool with a towel over her shoulders.
Sophie Deveraux looked at me and blurted out saying. " you Magnus get over here and come help me with this now please!" So then I walked over and grabbed all the things that me and Rebecca had laid them out on the table and helped her set up the rest of this spell.
" she's burning up. We need to do this now" as he throws his jacket right at me for me to catch it. Both me and Sophie yell at Elijah " saying get her in the water!"
He then splashed right into the water and grabbed Haley into his arms bridal style. And of course Rebecca didn't think how would a midnight swim is supposed to help. I didn't either but I went with it I'm going to save my family above all.
" her temperature is sky high and the water with the help of the herbs, should cool us down." With that she quickly passed me the cup. Then had ran to the water to give to Haley for her to drink so I quickly yelled at her saying "drink this, you're going to have to get her heart rate down Elijah."
" and how do you suggest I do that? Magnus" I don't know why he's questioning me this but really. " Hold her it's a natural human remedy to slow the heart rate and reduce blood pressure." Then again Rebecca is doubting it and for sure I do want to tell Rebeca to shut up but I can't cause my soul focus is to make sure Haley is unlinked. so I give a quick glance to Sophie Deveraux to make sure everything is in line. She then glanced back at me with the head yes she was just waiting for Divina to unlink the spell on her end. haley was squirming around with pain and I hated seeing her like this. Even though I just meant a part of my family today and yesterday and the week before I felt most obligated the need to protect her and keep her comfort. Even though I'm not a guy or anything but family does come first in my books and lately I've never found remedy of my family until these past week. " Divina will break the link we just need time" Elijah just spoke out and said with kind words. "Like honestly I don't think we have time, Elijah" I said in anger meant this should've been over they should've never been linked in the first place. But no Sophie did it because her sister got sacrifice finding out stuff about Haley and the child. I am just so frustrated with the Devereux girl I just wanted to snap her neck right there and die with all of my problems so they will disappear. Now it's just one big waiting game while I watch Haley squirm.
then I quickly heard Haley's breath starting to shorten. And now my anger is filled with rage like why isn't it broken.
" oh, I can't breathe!"
" ok take long, deep breath's Haley look at me long deep breath's. Just focus on the sound of my voice. You will be OK ,you'll be OK." With that Elijah started going down in the water so the water could be level with Haley shoulders.
Within seconds Haley is now screaming in pain I could not take it anymore. Now I could feel the magic between Sophie and Haley relieving off of them both.
" I just felt it left" both me and Sophie said at the same time. Looking at each other I didn't give her the cute little innocent smile I gave her the raging demon bitch stare. Then she got scared and backed away. Then I quickly grabbed Sophie Devereaux's hand and pricked it with a needle I found on the table. then looked back At Haley to see if she got the same pain in the same finger. We were all in relief finally the unlinked spell worked. "Come on, let's go" for a moment there Elijah looked At Halle like he was in love. Me and Rebecca looked at each other and then head tilting are head to look at him. With curiosity, "Elijah.... as soon as your brother finds out. That the link is broken, he'll kill Agnes. I know you don't owe me anything, but please don't let him kill her . ELIJAH!! She's our only access to the power we need to survive! Promise me that you'll stop him!" With that I wanted to kill her right then and there I know it won't justify for me but she almost hurt my family because she was linked to her. "Oh, Klaus won't kill her! I will with my barehand in her chest and nobody will stop me Sophie Deveraux!" Now my true deep power was coming out. To there own eyes I was furious. [dialling cell phone] well I guess Elijah is calling klaus now for him not to kill Agnes. " it's me, where are you?.... no don't hurt her. Magnus and I will be there shortly." [ Beep] well I guess I'm going to go kill Agnes now. I look over to see Sophie Deveraux it very sad worried look to her face I then quickly smile dad are not the nice cute smile. The death smile I quickly turned around to start heading over to the door. Hearing from a short distance I hear Elijah speak one more time. " i'll make you one last promise. I won't let my brother kill Agnes." With that Sophie nodded her head OK. But I know for sure nik is not I will be ! and Elijah can't stop me. Then both me and Elijah walked away out of the backyard. We went up to the house while I stood by the door we waited for him to get changed. We both hear Rebecca's heels hitting the floor near us. She quickly touched my arm and told me to go away for a second so she could talk to her brother and so I did to be polite honestly. But I quickly put my hair over my ears so I can use my supernatural hearing to hear the conversation that was about to go on. " The unlinking worked. Maybe now we can make plans...."
" not now, Rebecca can we discuss this when I return?" He was starting to walk away when Rebecca blurted out to him.
" I won't be here when you return."
" that sounds like a goodbye." Really she's leaving at a time like this she only came here to see what the magical miracle baby bump and then Elijah to see if he was OK.
" I guess it is I only came to New Orleans to make sure you were safe. You are. I thought that I might be able to convince you to come with me, but here you are rushing off with Magnus. Into whatever Klaus and Marcel and the witches have cooked up. And I finally get it. You'll never leave the city. You'll never leave Klaus." Then tears start falling down Rebecca's eyes and quickly Elijah had sympathy for her and telling her she should stay. I completely agree with him she should stay family doesn't go in a banded them all because they're here to give a check up and see if everyone's OK then leave. I would never do that to Haley and her child or even Marcel my dearest friend. " this thing that you and Klaus and Marcel also maybe Magnus have, I want no part of it. I just want to be free."
" well, then go" leisure then gave his sweet sassy also bitchy sister a kiss on the cheek goodbye and said his farewells.
" you are free?"
Elijah quickly saw me and grabbed my arm vamp speeded away to the church.
" you son of a witch, leave her Niklaus she's all mine she came after my only family I have left standing other than Marcel so it's for me to kill her not you!" I screamed as me and Elijah walked in Elijah was surprise. Instead of me coming in calmly. I came in with full of rage. I could see Klaus liked it but I didn't care she had to pay. I stood there right beside Elijah well he tried to be all kind and Noble. Yuck why should I be nice but I had to I didn't like it.
" I gave my word" really he's going to live up to his word after she tried to kill Haley with that link spell really?
" you tend to give your word at the most inopportune times, brother we've been doing things your way all day. Come on just one little snap, and it's toddle-loo , Agnes. She deserves it" for the first time in forever I agreed with the beastly hybrid she totally deserves it. My anger and rage was building up I was ready to explode right in front of these humans and father Kieron.
" Niklaus, do not make another move. You have asked for my forgiveness. I will grant you that forgiveness, but do not make me break my word." As me and Elijah walked up closer Klaus released Agnes. " my noble brother. And lovely Magness how's that for personal growth, Eh? Still it is just like you to spoil the fun."
" oh not necessarily. I am going to let Magnus do it." With that he and Nick looked at me. I had a big smile from ear to ear and my raging bitch face came upon me. I pushed Elijah aside. And ripped out every single one of the bystanders in the church hearts out. [splat]
" I swore you would not die by my brothers hand. I said nothing of Magnus doing it or of my own." Elisha quickly went behind her and grabbed her arms behind her back so that I had a clear shot of ripping her heart out. But before I did it Elijah went to her ear and spoke. " no one hurts my family and lives". He quickly gave me a quick look to say the OK for me to rip her heart out. And so I did I just broke it off like a baby and left it in her chest. to when my hand comes out of her chest. I take my whole hand out to my face. I stuck out my tongue and licked it from my palm up to my middle finger. I enjoyed the taste of her blood in my mouth so bad. Revenge tasted so good and I'm happy Elijah made me kill her instead of Niklaus and him. I quickly turned around and said "no one!" [thud] as I hear the body felt the ground I smiled so happily out of the church quickly Elijah followed right behind me. I could feel the big smirk that came from Klaus 's mouth to see a girl just as rotten as him to murder people who disappoint him.
I quickly went to the compound to go to bed I have had a nap today my day has been with tossed and turned everywhere I go by as I enter the back way of the compound I hear Marcel and oh my God Rebecca talking. I quickly made myself cloaked to the supernatural I am human and I no one could see me or hear me go up the stairs to my bedroom but before I went to my bedroom I stayed for a while to listen. " i've been away from this home almost 100 years, and you haven't changed a thing in my bedroom." You this was disgusting I felt like I was in a live porno for god sakes. " I guess I was holding out hope that you would come back to it although I imagine it's not quite as comfortable as those beds at the Palace Royale?" OK I am done with this I turned around on my heels and walked to my bedroom with no one noticing but all they could hear was a door slam and probably startled them.

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