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Leaving Paris France to New Orleans
March 20 to March 21, 2009
{Hello New Orleans are you ready for me}
Magnus POV

Leaving Paris was kind of a heartache it was such a beautiful, place to live most people live here for the rest of their lives .
I lived here off and on through my life .
I always lived here for about 15 years or more but nothing more than 15 years.
I compel everyone that sees me to never remember who I am or what I am they don't know who I am unless I am actually talking to them in person but after we are done chatting they don't remember who I am and I think it's the most clever.
idea I've ever had but it sucks to live like this making people not remember who you are but it's good for them to not know the monsters. that live under the beds, in the Streets they live in.
but someday all this compulsion will disappear and they will all remember who I am and be scared to walk outside the doors of their own homes.
But we have to do what, we have to stay alive I learned that from Marcel.
but it gives me a hard ache knowing I have to do it I'm not even a vampire I'm just a sorceress hybrid still trying to figure out what I am actually.
I know I'm a sorceress but I need the blood to stay alive and keep my youth I guess but that's what I've learned over the years i've been alive.

Hours later finally landing in New Orleans .I feel this big gust of wind against my skin .I could feel the magic in this place brings every time .I come it's a big aroma of magic from the ancestors that I've met over the years.
" hello Miss do you need a cab or taxi to New Orleans?" Turning around I see a young dark hair boy that looks like he's in his 20s maybe like 21 or 22 .
but I quickly responded with " yes fine gentlemen I like a ride to New Orleans could you bring me to the main streets of New Orleans." With my stiff British accent coming through because finally I can have my normal accent.
When I had to pretend a fake French accent for the past 15 years to finally relax with my own voice . It felt amazing looking around ,so I can finally be me again but not completely because it might blow this whole town down in flames with the blink of an eye.
Getting in the car I looked around it was a decent car ,not a bad stench but the little guy.
Was a little nervous to be in the car with me I could tell I could feel his emotion in the room or should I say car. An hour past and I finally arrived on the streets of New Orleans this place is beautiful the architecture of the place with all the beautiful art pieces and all the beautiful beaded necklaces for the festivities that go on in this town I swear they make the most beautiful places to draw the most innocent people in.

" thank you kind sir here's my payment and don't spend it all in one place. see yeah and I hope you have a great day" within those seconds I compelled the boy to not remember who I was but he kind of looked shocked when I handed him $100 bill.
when my ride was naturally just $35.

Grabbing my bags out of the trunk of the car and making sure they went on the pavement ground the aroma in New Orleans was a little dirty but spectacular you could smell the gumbo coming from the nearest restaurant I just had to go in and see this place later on.
but I knew I had to go see a guy name Diego.

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