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In the attic at the church
March 24-25 2009
{it's Sophie}
Magnus POV

As with my supernatural hearing I hear glass getting swept. well Divina is doing art and Elijah over there fixing the violin he saw broken that night. me and Divina got a good nights sleep. While Elijah sat there bound to the room he was all night fixing the violin and a little bit looking at Davinas art when we woke up. Everything was fine. Then I hear marcels and father Kieran's voice downstairs talking about something .
but I'm on the bed fixing up the bedsheets.
" do you play? Elijah blurted out here holding the violin.
" that's not mine." Divina said with a sad tone. Elijah was about to sit down and we heard Marcel's footsteps getting closer. So then Elijah hid away and I stayed sitting on the bed while Divina was looking scared at the door. Marcel barges in and says "good news, little D. I'm moving you out of this pile of dust." When A smile lit up her face she just blurted out. " are you serious? When?" She was so curious on when she gets to move out of this attic. I mean I would like to know when she would like to move this  place. I wouldn't be able to stand in this place for the past eight months she's been here.
" tonight. I just need to lock in the arrangements. How was our original? Girls?"
As me and her both look at each other I quickly just blurted out a possible way to cover it up. So Marcel didn't know that Elijah was awake.
" don't disturb the body she has a spell in progress so you don't want to disturb it right Marcel.?" As Divina shook her head at Marcel to confirm I was right. " bet you do pack up, OK? Only what you want to take. I'll buy you anything else you need." With that we both let out a big side and she quickly responded with OK and he walked right back out the door. Then Elijah walked out of his hiding spot.
" you girls didn't reveal that I was awake?"
" we're not done talking yet." Davina said
moments of silence went by then Elijah started talking.
" you and Marcel seem very close girls?"
" Marcel is my family" Divina said sadly
" Marcel is a old friend of mine of 70 years but me and him treat each other like brother and sister you kind of get that bond when you've known somebody for more than 70 years." I signed

" and yet Marcel is someone who delights and harming the witches, those people, I would think, you would consider family Divina this doesn't trouble you?" He wonders why the witches aren't family to her like. Honestly they treat her so bad I've heard the story I bet you she's gonna tell Elijah now.
" no they deserve it!"
" why would you say that?"
" they're liars all of them they made me and my friends do this harvest ritual they said our participation would bring our family strength, health that we'd forever be celebrated our saviours of the community, but all they really wanted was more power. So I left before they could get it, now they're running out of time because after the harvest comes the reaping, and if they don't complete the harvest, there won't be a reaping. Soon all the witches in the quarter will start to lose their power. Eventually, they'll cease to be witchs is all together." And she said this with confidence and then staring right at Elijah and me. Then she continued on with her story to Elijah.
" so enlighten me what did you mean when you said you had to die? Divina." Elijah spoke
" that's what the harvest was. They said they put us 4 girls in a state of, like, peaceful limbo as part of the offering, and then later at the reaping.we'd awaken and be reborn. I never got as far as the limbo part, which means the harvest isn't complete. That's why the witches are so freaked out. The reaping is just around the corner, and if they don't finish it before then, it's over. All I have to do is wait it out." It's a surprised  me she said that with GracefulNess and confidence I am getting more to like Divina as a young lady. " and then what?" Elijah asked
" their punished, and I'm free" with a big smile on her face she was happy that the witches would lose their power soon. "From marcel?"
"No of magic! All our power will drain away. I'll be normal." She said with joy. "Is that what you want,to be normal?."
" I just don't want to be what I am. I can't control it sometimes magic? I hurt people, even when I don't mean to." I felt her pain and sadness I know what it felt like because my magic was so strong I killed my own two brothers and my parents. And it sucks so much I  can understand where she's coming from every supernatural creatures sometimes just wants to be normal again and not have to deal with everything else.
" why don't you tell me about your friends? You must miss them" I could see Elijah was trying to get off the topic because he saw how sad it made me and Divina. " well there's Tim, he doesn't know about any of this which stuff. He's normal .my best friend Monique she was part of the harvest, too she's lucky no one ever fought for me, but someone fought for her the only one who ever spoke out against the harvest was Monique's aunt"
" and who is that?" I asked after finally chiming in after this big conversation.
"Sophie deveraux" both me and Elijah were shocked it was Sophie the one that's causing this big fuss with Marcel's vampires and Klaus. Also isn't she linked with Haley like what the hell this girl is going to die very soon it's either going to be done by Marcel, Elijah, the witches, the vampires, Nik or even Divina. " no one but Sophie ever question the harvest, not even my own mother. So neither did I we thought it was such an honor. We had such faith, we were so stupid." This time she had more of a rage saying those words.
" so how did it began?"
"We were let out like princesses. My mother was so proud.bastiana, One of the elders called upon the four elements to bind our past and future magic together earth to connect us to our ancestors, water to heal the community, wind to carry us to our ancestors and back ,fire to purify after all our preparations. We know exactly what to expect for weeks they told us that the magic and the knife .they use to cut our palms. Would put us to sleep and that later at the reaping we would all be resurrected. They said we can all be together and more powerful than ever. And it was just like we  Rehearsed it. all that was left was just a little cut on our palms for the blood sacrifice. Even after Sophie tried to stop it, we didn't suspect anything" I would suspect something just a little cut on our palms no honey that does not how it works. " so Divina and everyone involved in the ritual knew that this would happen?"  I questioned she looked back at me then back at Elijah and said " except the four of us they weren't putting us to sleep. They were slaughtering us. I beg for someone to help me, my own mom turned away from me. Sophie screamed and screamed for her sister to stop. But no one did." Now tears were coming down her face she quickly walked over to the bed where I was sitting all along and sat right beside me her shoulder touched mine I could feel her emotions vibrating through me.
" yet you survived there for someone or something intervened?" Of course Elijah something did because she wouldn't be able to be standing right here in front of you. " someone finally did. Every girl that died released her power on to the next. When I was the last one I had all of it, all the power that was supposed to be released back into the earth to appease our ancestors." And she was not kidding about saying she had three other girls powers I'm just wondering when she going to explode. I exploded in a few months down the road after I heard that a village nearby had vampires upon them and my father killed my mother because he was so with raged. so I release a whole lot of power and killed my mothers last breath and my father and my two brothers that are running in after me . I killed half of my village too but some of them escaped.
" so the harvest was actually working?"
" something was working and I do know that I was supposed to be killed so the harvest could be complete and we would be all resurrected. But they lied to us about how they were killing us. How do I know they were lying to us about coming back? But mostly I just didn't want to die. So I let him save me. Marcel saved my life." Now with tears falling down both of our eyes because of our tragic past we both had. Elijah got up and turned around and grabbed the violin he finally fixed and mentioned to Divina.
" you may return this now to his rightful owner. It's restored." Without a doubt she took it and remembered the sweet sound it played. She didn't know if she was going to see the boy again. As I'm bout to stand up on my 2 feet we heard rumblings or should I say felt rumbling through the floor and vibrating through our bodies. Both me and Elijah looked at each other and said it at the exact same time.
" Divina this power that you contain drawing from your friends, it's too much for you ,need control."She was surprised me and him were in sync. But right after Elijah continued the sentence. " which requires study and practice my mother was a very powerful witch. She left behind her Grimm wars, I legacy of books filled with spells. These books contain all of the tools that you might need to control your magic. If you Free me from here I can share them with you. However if you leave now with Marcel. I'll never see each other again, and I can't find you and I can't help you." Also neither could I . also promised her to help with her magic too and she said yes. she has it somewhat under control when I first started I told her to breathe and taught her some other tricks that I've learned over the years just the simple ones not the bigger ones.
" The witches manipulated me you know how that ended" again she answered that in anger. Well I would too if my family turned on me. Elijah reassured her it was not manipulation is one thing of exchange for another he said. He's offering her a deal. Then right again Marcels footsteps were coming closer the the door.
Elijah hid and I walked out the door and saying goodbye to her with a giant hug . Elijah admired the relationship me and her had. It was like a sibling relationship. He knew she needed a good friend right now.

{sorry for the long chapter}

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