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Magnus POV

Dear diary, I thought I would not ever write in my diary again because the last time was the year of 1992 when I was in Paris France dealing with a witch problem. But I thought I would write again, two nights ago I walked in to Klaus with some other girl. But by him trying to apologize to me he kissed me like really Klaus I know I have been ignoring you but you deserved it. You ripped out my heart to prove something to Divina.  Like I don't know what to do? But every time I look at him in his eyes I sometimes forget on what he did to me. I am falling in love with him little by little every single time. I must be stupid to have these feelings towards him. Because he killed me for one but when push comes to shove you have to kill to get what you want from people I learned that the hard way. One night ago  Elijah had a party to sign the new rules of New Orleans but almost left Hayley and the wolves out. Hayley fought for her way to get a seat at the table. So all of the heads of the factions sliced our palms into a medium-size bowl and signed our names in blood. I put my name underneath Hayleys but above Elijah's, we all left to go to this party. I wore this white blazer dress with a diamond buckle piece and I paired with black doc Martens. I was about to leave my room when Klaus was staring at me saying you're absolutely stunning Magnus right now but I don't care if he commented on my looks , he said he didn't care about me.  the party was chaos all the factions were at each other's throat's like literally. Hayley then descended down the stairs and stop them from fighting by saying go ahead kill him. But the rest of the night I zoned out of.

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After zoning out and staring out the window my pen dropped out of my hand when my cell phone started to ring. What appeared on the screen was Marcel's name with a picture of him and I at the Russo's back in the 2000's. "Hey what's up marcel? What do you need?"
The cellphone line went silent so I almost hung up but marcel finally answered. "Hey Magnus meet me at the rundown building across the river...... NOW!!" The cell then went silently deadly to my ears. Why did marcel want to meet me at that run down place? Without a skip of a beat I slipped on my doc martins and grabbed the motorcycles keys off the dresser that sat by the door. When heading out the door Diego was standing beside the motorcycle waiting for someone, maybe he was waiting for me? When approached I yelled out. "Diego who are you waiting for? Cause if it's me we can talk about it later cause I need to go see marcel." Diego then turned right in front of my face. " from one person to the other, Magnus I would watch out with marcel."
" he's questioning your loyalty and trust to him as a friend or something else. So be ready when you go see him." My head nodded yes very quickly to agree with him. He left in a flash , so I throw my leg over the bike and gripped the handles with a tight grip. I started the engine then went off. My thoughts were going wild about Klaus and other things. Somedays I thought just to leave New Orleans but I didn't run from my problems at all and any situation I have ever had. I didn't even realize it was already here. This old rundown building was so run down it had rust everywhere that I could see. But a great place to hide out from the world or the government for any matter. So I put the bike up to the side of the building then walked all the way inside. To when I reached the doors to see Thierry standing there leading me up to grand room. " Marcel I'm here what do you need from me?" I think, I heard footsteps coming over but just someone ran at me and punching me right in the face. This punch did not hurt me at all but this is not how you introduce your self to someone. "what the hell was that for ass clown?" but when my eyes regained there focus I see little old marcel standing right in front of me all pissed off at me like when your parents waited for you in the kitchen cause you did something irresponsible like shop lifting or stealing cash from your moms wallet. " I was even surprised you showed up here ,I thought you would be with Klaus or even the other Mikealson's. Cause if I do re-call or even remember I called you in France at my desperate time of the day. To help me run them out of New Orleans for good. but you did the complete opposite you slept with Klaus, friends with the other two siblings, found your wolf pack that I asked to be cursed for certain reasoning that I told you long ago, also your long lost relative to Hayley which means the miracle baby mikealson is your relative to. On which is not a big deal I think. but when do you betray a very good friend of 70 years?" I knew this conversation was going to sprout any day but I guess the time is now. "what do you want me to say marcel? to you , like I'm sorry , I could not spy on them for you or be one of those soldiers that you play around to your advantage. cause just maybe the minute I found out Hayley was my long lost wolf pack relative member. after I thought I would not ever see or find my wolf pack bloodline ever again cause I thought, I would be alone forever to people like me. yes I did sleep with Klaus like is it a grand big deal? after all you slept with the enemy. Rebecca off and on again but I'm in the wrong right now. you say all the time you aren't friends or close to them except you are. so make up your goddamn mind up marcel! who says you can tell me who I can and can't be friends with now. You, marcel are not my father at all not in even a life time! I thought you would be somewhat happy for me since the last time I fell in love with some man, find my wolf pack family since I killed my own family with my own bare hands. I never betrayed you I always stood by your side but whatever I do on my spare time is none of your concern unless life or death matters come in to play. Yes, i'm in love with Klaus even thought he killed me with no questioned asked and its stupid to have these feelings inside my bones. you marcel did nothing to revenge my death but Davina did and you cared more for her than me. Marcel you need to look back on our relationship for these months I have been here because its running on a very thin sheet of ice cause I did not just come here to New Orleans to do your dirty work at all !!! " my powers got the best of me and unleashed. threw marcel across the room, to then snapped his neck. moments went by in silence so I turned to Thierry. "tell marcel karmas a bitch and to respect our relationship better more."
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all I saw at this witch thing party was Davinas offerings getting forced given to the other girls. So I was up next and I opened the box I had waiting in my hands. it was red ruby silver neckless that I chose weeks ago to give to Davinas birthday. today was a better day to give to her. when it was my turn to give my gift the lady witch pointed to me to choose Monique. But I then ignored her and told Davina to stand up in front of the people. "No one should be ignored like this, on a day for her coven to give great thanks to her sacrifice. So Davina Claire here is my offering to the witch's, so we're this with pride we're ever you go." She smiled from ear to ear at the gift I have shown to her, Also me standing against the other harvest girls. As the night went on Klaus offered a gift to Davina in front of everyone she first said no but she finally took the gift. josh then grabbed my arm, to go see what Klaus gave to her in that tiny gift box. "Are you gonna open it?" josh asked. "Well it might be very special if he made it a huge announcement. To everyone in this god damn room." I said to them she started to open it to see a daylight ring placed in side the tiny box with the spell of making daylight rings but the ring was for little josh here.
A bunch of men in white dress suites banging on drums down the stairs arrived. When they ended and was on the ground they shouted out. " We have a message for all of you from Marcel Gerard!" The room fell with silence to then them pulling out pocket knifes and sliced there right wrist. All the vampires bared out there teeth to everyone else. I felt Klaus grab my hand tight and pull me back to him. " Control yourselves! this is velgure trick! we do not violate are agreement!" Elijah yelled out to the vampire faction. The lights turned off, people screamed and the vampires fed on the poor human boys. The lights then turned on and we see blood smeared on the wall saying  "there will be no peace!" I whispered to Klaus.
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Hayley and I we're almost pissing our pants. With Olly's and Jacksons story about our pack. An hour later I heard Elijah whisper my name from a far distance only I could hear. "Excuse me guys, I got to go before I piss myself." Then my butt left the group to then start running towards Elijahs voice. "We're are you Elijah? I don't play hide and go seek with an original!" his face then popped right in front of me. "Omg Elijah! you scared the living daylights out of me." he chuckled to scaring me in the dark. "hello Magnus , sorry to startle you but I called your name to ask you for a favour?"
"what is it Elijah?" I questioned him. "I would like for you to forgive him my brother even thought he ripped out your heart and hurt your relationship between you both I know you love him dearly with all your pure heart. So please forgive him but please teach him a lesson with your magic."

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