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When Magnus and Klaus fell asleep. Magnus by accidentally entered Klaus mind or you should say nightmare. the dream began when Magnus and Klaus hoped in the car to head to father kierans funeral. Magnus  sat in the passenger side looking out the window when Klaus drove. the car was silent but Klaus did began to put his hand on Magnus thigh to maybe calm her down because sad times like this makes her powers at high peek cause of the burnt memory stuck in her mind of killing her family. She knows, she should be over that memory but she can't no matter what she tries to do. they finally arrive at the church to hear soft music playing. Klaus then waited for her by the stairs. when she got out of the car she griped Klaus hand tightly, then continued to walk up the tiny stairs then turned to see everyone they knew and couple they didn't. they both wore there finest black funeral clothes they could find in there closets. Klaus wore of course an all black suit with a cross pin that cami gave him. Magnus wore a button down long sleeve shirt with black belt, she paired this outfit with black skinny jeans and plat form open toe heels. when they both stoped at cami , Magnus hugged her for her great lost and Klaus hugged cami then gave her a slight kiss on the cheek. When that ended Klaus and Magnus went over to see father Kierans dead body in his fine cherry wood casket with silk white sheets on the inside that she could see from a distance. but when she approached the casket with Klaus all she seen was baby in a white blanket. Klaus had a smirk plastered on his face then proceeded to pick the baby up. before that happen Magnus looked at Klaus with blood pouring out of her mouth, ears, eyes and nose. She then had no pulse when Klaus got stabbed right through the back with the white oak stake from mystic falls. he turned around, saw his father holding Magnus heart with the dagger that could kill her for good. Michael grabbed Klaus by the throat and said to Klaus "greetings, boy" with that Klaus whimpered and gasping for air. that's when the dream ended and Klaus jumped out of bed also with Magnus she jumped out of bed too. " Klaus it's ok ..... I'm here ...... you're ok ..... everything is ok" Magnus held Klaus face in her hands to calm him down and make him focus on the fact it was a bad dream not reality .

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Magnus pov

" you ok Klaus?..... Klaus you can't let these dreams control you right now, maybe its sign for something ?" here in New Orleans when a person dies everyone just partys.  Its also the same when weddings happen but the only thing difference about them is one is all happy down the main streets and the other you stay sorta silent for the respect to the dead. Klaus and I decided to head down to the famous Russos to have a drink. Klaus was silence for majority of the mourning after the dream we both encountered together. in Russos it was loud with music playing and father Keirans casket in the far left near the live band. after Klaus and I downed 3 bottles of either scotch or rum or bourbon. Elijah came to the table with another bottle of bourbon and a glass for him self with ice in it. "Seems rather uncivilized to laugh and dance around the body of the death of a loved one?" Klaus said while taking another sip of his drink. it was true on what he had said because who does this to someones funeral. today is all about remembering on the memory you shared with that person. my biggest and most favourite memory with father Kieran was when we sang and danced cleaning the church. the funny part was the songs we sang weren't appropriate for church settings but we sang our lungs out and danced until we could not feel are feet no more. " yes far better to practice your process of grief, isn't it Klaus? Denial, rage, and hoarding coffins in basements. Doesn't that sound familiar to you Magnus?" spoken Elijah but I did not respond at all when all 3 of us noticed Hayley seating down with us. "we will warn you, Hayley ,Niklaus is in A spectacularly foul mood today." Elijah warned Hayley. "Sod off." " what's the deal with these moonlight rings? Oliver Is  trying to start a revolution every five seconds. Magnus should know for first hand. People are scared, angry. And frankly I am tired of stalling." I know she's upset with all these problems that are pilling up but. "It's a day of peace Hayley try and enjoy it." I spoke to her calmly "In the meantime was all manner of unknown enemies conspiring against our family, you'll move back in with us." Klaus demanded at her. "Awesome" she said sarcastically "then we can do that thing where you lock me in the tower with Magnus standing by, I  escape there's drama, and then you two both realize that I am very capable of looking after myself I'm pointing at you Elijah and Klaus. I can watch over myself every girl can!" " The rings are in progress I will live up to my word. I will find and punish whoever launched attack on the bayou. And you will return to the compound for your own safety. But right now I'm going to finish this bottle and the next in the hopes of drowning the demon that is chosen to haunt me cheers, Michael impeccable timing.!" Elijah had a surprise look on his face. So I placed my hand right beside Elijah to then see a glimpse of Elijahs thought when I saw he had a somewhat same dream to Klaus but far less gruesome. we all started to ramble on the dreams that Klaus and Elijah were having and that maybe that dumb redheaded girl was the source of our problems. when she entered and tried to flirt with her eyes to Klaus I wanted to rip her to sherds or maybe pull her apart piece by piece and watch her scream. also grumble to her death or even begs for her life. but Klaus then waved his hand and said that we are going to kill someone and I hoped it was her. But I will let Klaus and Elijah have all the fun with her later tonight.

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the actually day of the parading around the streets carrying father Keirans dead body remains in a casket. I walked with the lovely cami because she asked me in the church to walk with her and stand by her to keep calm with this lost of hers. from a distance we both hear Hayley yell out to us then clearing out her throat. "Hayley hi?" cami replied with. " hi I know you don't know me I just want to say that I am sorry about your uncle he was really good to people like me during the storm and I really appreciate that." "Thank you, do you want something don't you?" cami asked. "I'm sorry about the timing I was just wondering if before he died he said anything weird about Francis Correa? I think that she may have been involved in an attack on the bayou? if you hear anything..." " look Haley I am trying mostly failing to stay out of all this stuff but she's a real bitch. So yeah if I hear anything I'll let you know." "Thanks again sorry about your uncle" Hayley after words walked away coughing a lot. so I excuse myself to go see what's wrong with Hayley. "hey Hayley you ok? your coughing a lot" but I then see her coughing up blood into her hands. then she was gasping for air that's when she fell into my arms but gratefully I caught her. then I started to pick her up bridal style and looked around to see Elijah. also Klaus heading my way that's when I choose to quickly take Hayley to the compound.

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when I placed Hayley down on the table I seen, I started to teleport the things I needed for the spell. but the 3 walked in all huff and puff "well what are you doing to her?" really she questioned me. " fucking saving her red head now get away from her. I will be saving her cause right now her spirit lays some where else and maybe possibly with dear old daddy oh.. mikeal" they all paused and Elijah realized she was shivering so he gave her his jacket. I then again started to ramble on a spell to her then waking up. she had blood all down her mouth and neck from Klaus giving his blood to her to heal. she shot right up and gasping for air when she said to all of us. "I saw him, and he tried to kill me...... I saw mikael" will I was right she was with him in a spirit like dimension but I did not care at the moment I just cared she was still alive here with me today. "lets get you washed up , right now" I said to Hayley helping her get off the table and up the stairs to her shower. when she was in the shower I was laying out some warm comfy clothes for her. to get into , when Klaus came in he walked over to me wrapping his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear. "thank you love for saving her tonight. I also loved when you told Genevieve to back way and that you are saving her." "well someone had to before I just snapped her neck and said goodnight bloody redhead also far well ...... not." we both chuckled when I just remembered I needed to do the final touches to Hayleys baby girls bedroom. that Klaus asked me to finish last night but I had only finished putting the mattress and the rocking chair in. "well I better go finish the baby's room before Hayley comes out of the shower." quickly placed a tiny kiss on Klaus soft lips. I then proceed to the baby's room to just place the final touches. 20 minutes later Klaus led Hayley to the room were I stood waiting patiently. the door opened up to see Hayley surprised of the room she saw in front of her. I saw the tears getting held back. but I knew Klaus want alone time with his baby's mother. So I left them alone but I gave Hayley a tiny hug goodnight.

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I sat on Klaus bed reading a book that Davina gave to me a couple weeks ago. when I realize Klaus was shirt less painting me in the corner of his room. "you know I don't like you painting me like one of your French pretty girls." he chuckled then told me to "go back to reading love and painting you would be an honour to my eyes." all I could do was blush and smile then back to reading but once in awhile I would look up to him. focusing on his painting. but once he caught on what I was doing he put down his paint brushes. then tackled me in the bed, I just laughed and kissed him.

Girl bites back | {Klaus mikealson}|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora