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Magnus POV

for the past couple of weeks I have been hiding on a patch of grass and dead leaves. behind a grand bush that I had laid my eyes on a couple of weeks ago, it hid me very  well from the vampires that came to hunt us wolves down one by one each night. Where I laid my eyes the view was the peaceful calm water, that surrounded the bayou.  I loved it out here cause it was peaceful were I laid my body at all hours during the day or night. I got to see the honey golden sun glaze  the morning waters and the early nights. my body and I did not move at all, maybe except to go to  the bathroom. myself had nothing to do other than sleep, gaze around my scenery ,talk to the other wolf pack members that went pass me to say hello or have a small chat to get to know one or another. few times a day I would get Jackson or Hayley offering or should I say giving me food or drinks. Every time they offer it I would refuse it. Not because I was being mean to them , I was completely mad at myself for not stopping the witches from hurting Hayley, possibly killing Hayley and the baby in a fire but thankfully Elijah saved her, Jackson almost dying to from the fire. Later on that  day I got woken up from my nap to Hayley approaching me with Jackson by her side, she  was carrying a big mason jar filled with this slimy green liquid that looked like the residue of washed out green paint with some type of dark green herbs floating at the top. Hayley then bent down to me level, so we could talk face to face. "Magnus tonight is the night we break the curse for are wolf pack. So be ready at the campfire tonight. Also I will be waiting at the little cabin with clothing for you." My head started to shake in a yes motion.  I started to hear the little baby girl heart beat inside Hayley's belly and I started to smile from ear to ear on the inside. Her baby bump was getting bigger by the weeks I see her in the bayou.
The sun died down and the moon raised, other Wolf pack members started to travel near the grand campfire, So I followed them.
When we arrived closer, I saw the many other wolves transforming back to their human form. I know, I can transform in and out of my wolf form but I wanted to punish myself for not protecting my family members.
To my left I see Haley leading me towards the cabin that Elijah got a bitten and so many other things. She held out a bag filled with clothes for me that I could see from a distance. My wolf and I ran over to her, she then did let me in the cabin with her. She was only inside the cabin with me to make sure nobody sees my naked body. She had a pair of blue ripped jeans, a big black sweater, a baseball cap and a pair of black Doc Martin's laid up on the tiny bed that was with blue flowered sheets and a white pillow at the top. When my paws hit the back of the cabin floors, my body started to pop, crack and snap to transform back into my human form. I felt the pain and pressure of re-transferring back to my human body. I haven't transformed into my wolf since the 80s. "Magnus on the bed is your clothes. I tried to choose your best outfit for you after you came back to be human you." Finally after a couple minutes of excruciating pain I drag my tired body over to the bed and picked up the sweater. Pulled it over my head, and put everything else on after that. My body was shivering just a little because my body was just filled with a full coat of fur.
I was finish tying my boots, To then peered over to see Hayley looking out the window really nervous. " So Hayley how did you get the cure? How is Marcel doing since I've been a wolf and kind of M.I.A?" she knew I was done getting ready and she didn't respond to me right away. She just gave me a big warm hug for about two minutes. "Oh Magnus , you have missed a lot but I found out Celeste placed the curse for Marcel on our Wolfpack, so I had to show her fear by shooting a gun around and threatening her life. But she finally made the cure I showed you so tonight when we eat I'll pour it in the soup and hopefully it works." Myself could tell she was nervous about breaking the curse. Because after finally finding our family she gets to help them and I was very proud of her of doing so. But with a respond back I quickly said to her "Hayley it will work. It's going to be OK, the pack will be with you no matter what. So let's get out of here and have a good time and cross our fingers when the time comes."
~ {} ~
All of us were waiting by the fire looking at the moon to pass by. We were also nervous if there if it even worked or not. Then the clouds went by and we were all still standing here as humans. Everybody screamed in excitement, so we all just did a dancing jeg then sat by the fire sharing funny stories about each other like we haven't already. I for one miss my family again because I missed the campfires we had telling stories, singing, dancing all night with our village. "Hey Magnus can you sing at all? Because I think we need to sing like our pack used to do Wayback when you were a child,am I right?" When I was losing my touch on reality I heard Jackson yell but I still heard him on what he said. "Yes of course I can but I need some back up music playing, can you play guitar or something?" "Yes!" He ran into the cabin and grabbed his Cedar Brown guitar, also some drums for the pack to play along with us. "You ready Magnus?" "Oh yes I am Jackson I was born ready. Let's do this give me a beat!" they all started to play. So I waited for the right beat to start.
" no, there ain't nothing that I got prove
you think your words will make me black and blue
but I, I think I am pretty with these old boots on
I think it's funny when I drink too much, hey you try and change me you can go to hell because I don't want to be nobody else
I like that chip I got on my front teeth
and I got bad tattoos you won't believe..."

The rest of the night was amazing. I continue seeing another three more songs, then we told all the packs stories. Overall it was one of the best nights I've had in a while. By the end of the night we're people headed to bed Haley and I headed back to the compound. I know this might sound bad and possibly stupid but I wondered if Klaus ever came looking for me at all even though. I have been ignoring him every time he tried to apologize to me. I came to New Orleans to help Marcel but all it has done to me in return is getting to know and meet my long lost wolf pack , meeting Klaus that I'm possibly falling for even though he killed me I guess it's true even The purest hearts are drawn to the evil, I got my heart ripped out, lost my best friend to a coven of witches for a goddamn harvest for more power, got cursed by the witches, forced to turn to my wolf form for a week, and I got attacked by Papa tunda . All in one shot, wow like I said to myself before I came to New Orleans, it has me in for one hell of a ride.
~ {} ~
After I said good night to Haley I thought, I would say to Klaus I'm sorry that I've been ignoring him every time he tried to apologize to me and give The reason why I've been ignoring him. I walked over to his bedroom door and knocked lightly but enough for him to hear me. "Who is it? Elijah I told you to leave me alone for the night. If you found Magnus, good for you I don't care!" I slowly start to cry, my body started to feel numb. But I didn't even notice right in front of me was this red headed, pale, freckled, slim witch that was supposed to be dead because I can feel her dead power vibrating off of her. Wrapped in a blanket in bed with Klaus . She had the nerve to say Or even speak to me. I had noticed I was in the room now because my power made me move into the room so I can possibly lose it on them. I know that me and Klaus are not a thing but sleeping with another girl when you told another girl you love her is really low even for Klaus. " oh, Magnus is it? Can you please leave the room you're interrupting something special between Klaus and I. He doesn't want you no more so now leave!"  Why was she treating me like a damn dog. The last part kind of hurt me but I was so filled with anger I cannot feel that pain hitting me. "Oh you don't care about me, OK! Well I hope you like my sloppy seconds pathetic little witch and it's OK you don't have to say you love me at all Klaus, cause well .... fuck this...!"  My anger and my magic started to mix to grab his paintings of me that he painted and ripped them apart to shreds like a dog in front of his face. Then left with a giant smile on my face and a middle finger to the air to them.
~ {} ~
"Magnus can you meet me at Saint Ann's Church now!"
"Why am I ask? Hayley did I do something wrong."
"Elijah is making a peace treaty thing and the wolves get no say in it and I am royally pissed and a pregnant woman will be needing a back up before she goes all canine on him."
"OK I'm on my way pregnant lady!"
~ {} ~
We both charged in and yelled at Elijah about the wolves having a say in this new rules of New Orleans between the humans, witches, vampires and of course the originals. But every faction person was arguing about the wolves having a seat at the table. The one comment that ring to my ears was "Elijah why should the wolves and the sorceress hybrid have a seat at the table. Especially Magnus she should not get a seat at all because what can she do? Honestly." She really wanted to know what I could do so I used my powers grabbed her by the throat and threw her across Saint Ann's Church. But made sure she was still alive, that comment that came from the redhead of coarse. my actions I just made the other factions even Elijah went silent. "Well cause I'm stronger than your whole coven dead or alive in a heartbeat. One I don't piss off every faction here. I'm pretty sure you need my vote, my magic at the table. Also Redhead if you don't want the factions to go to war, and honey your people will die easy. So let Haley have a seat at the table or the war will happen tonight at midnight.... Redhead if I were you should respect your elders you small useless powered witch that's supposed to be dead and gone!" With a spin of my heels I walked right out before I blew Saint Ann's Church like a popsicle stand.
~ {} ~
The next night after I threw the redhead across the room I walked by the stairs where Klaus room was when I see the redhead laying naked with no blankets on Klaus bed. I nearly wanted to puke my guts out. Does she not have any respect for any of us that I have to see that. Today I heard from Diego that Marcel said Divina has been resurrected last night. So I was heading to go see her now before I kill that redhead with my pinky finger.
Klaus British accent hit my ears in a matter of seconds before I left the compound. "Magnus can we talk privately." Really now after I walked in on you with her. "What do you want Klaus?." seconds he just kissed me without any hesitation at all but I flu him off of me as quick as butter hit hot toast. Why would he kiss me.

I stood there watching him get up after what I did. "Klaus really! you have your play toy naked in your room... This isn't how you apologize to me or any woman of any sort. Not now like this after what happened with us."  I couldn't waste my time worrying about this so I just ran out the door and spent the night with Divina until the early morning talking.

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