Lunar Eclipse

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*3rd person*

Taking gasping breaths, the three teenagers lurched from the tubs. Surroudning them, was a large white room. White walls. White lights. White tiled floor. Turning around something lay at the very end of the large hall. It seemed to be drawing them to it, like a beacon. Advancing forwards, they soon approched it. Cautiously, they stood by it, remembering something from their personall lives. Scott was the first to touch it, transporting him to another place other than the room.

It was cold. It was dark. He didn't know where he was. That was until he walked forwards, only to see himself. Yet younger and less wise. He saw the double of himself roll down a hill and get bitten by a wolf- a werewolf. At that moment, he knew he was in a memory. A recount from years ago. Confused, he backed up, his legs hitting something. Turning around he saw the same tree stump. He had made it.

Fogg surrounded the human boy, making him grow concerned. Thoughts raced through his mind, only to be interrupted by the sound of a girls voice. "All i wanted was a good nights sleep, Stiles", she spoke, "you just had to drag Scott and I out here for no reason". With his eyebrows knitted, he walked closer to the voice, seeing himself as a younger boy. "Yes, Y/N, now please be quiet", the double of him said. He followed them, all three teenagers. running over when his doppelganger had been caught by his dad, he knew he was reliving a years-old memory. Staggering backwards, something nearly tripped him over. Turning around he saw the same tree stump. He had made it.

Where am i? The same question running through the girls head. Trees surrounded her. Then she saw them, a younger version of herself and her mother. Landing at her feet was an inhaler, Scott's inhaler. Confused, she looked about to find a clue. Something told her it was closer than she thought. Turning around she saw the same tree stump. She had made it.

*queue title sequence*

*queue title sequence*

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*your P.O.V*

I sat waiting, hands on my lap, hearing Stiles' words run through my head. 'Remember i love you'. Did he really mean it? Could he have been in love with me all these years, like i have? Abruptly, the sound of water hitting the floor interrupted my thoughts. Scott, Stiles and Allison rose up, making everyone rush over to them. They had made it. Gasping for air, the three teens jumped out of the tubs. "I saw it, i know where it is", Scott shouted, water dripping from him. Then Stiles spoke, "i passed this tree stump, it was huge and cut down. Big, very big". A wide smile crossed my face as i looked at him. He was alive, that's all that mattered. "It was the night we were looking for the body", Scott breathed. "Yeah, when Peter bit you", Stiles said, looking at me. "I was there too", Allison said, hair over her face, "i was in the car with my mother and we nearly hit someone". Scott turned to her, "that was me, you almost hit me". Shock filled my features, one memory all connected by different people, shared in different perspectives. "We can find it", Scott said. Despite the amazing discovery, everyone was silent. "What?", Allison asked, shivering from the cold. "You guys were out a long time", Issac said, hand on his hips. "How long's a long time?", Stiles asked. Deaton sighed, "16 hours". Their mouths fell open. "We were in the water for 16 hours?", Scott questioned, surprised. "And the moon rises in less than four", i said.

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