The Fox and the Wolf

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A soft ping came from my phone, echoing in my room. Sighing, i picked it up and read the new message.

Scott: Meet me at school. Mr Y's class.  
Y/N: On my way.

Knitting my eyebrows together, i stuffed my phone in my pocket and pulled on some footwear. Grabbing my keys, i left the house, thankful that my parents were on a business trip.


Opening the history classroom door, i entered, a small smile on my face. However, that soon dropped when my eyes came across a woman's face. "Hello Y/N", she said calmly, an old picture in her hand. Stepping more inside, i stared at her. "You're from the other night, at the hospital, you said the Nogitsune knew you", i said, pointing my finger at her. Kira looked between us confused, "Y/N, she's my mom".

*queue title sequence*

More confused than ever, i stood next to Scott, arms folded

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More confused than ever, i stood next to Scott, arms folded. "So, you're 900-year-old Kitsune?", i said. Kira's mother sighed, leaning against the desk, "yes, now, Kira please may i have that Katana". Nodding, she gave the weapon to the adult. Taking the cover off, there was nothing but a handle with a jagged end. Tipping out several small pieces of silver, she turned to us. "The blade was shattered the last time it was used", Kira's mother informed. "When was that?", i asked.
"1943, against a Nogitsune". Realisation set in, making me drop my arms. "All this, it's happened before hasn't it?", Scott asked. "Yes", she said, slightly annoyed. "All those who can not remember the past are condemned to repeat it", Mr Yukimura spoke. "Where did it come from?", Kira asked. Mrs Yukimura shook her head, "it was in a relocation camp during the war, in Oak Creek, not too far from here". Scott tilted his head to the teacher, "hold on, you told Allison and Issac that there was no camp in Oak creek".

"Allison's family has a certain history of violence, i didn't know if she could be trusted", he replied, "there was a camp, yes, but all the records were erased".
"They covered it up", Kira's mother said, her teeth clenched, seemingly rethinking a memory. Mr Y started to open a draw in his desk and pulled out a book, "when i was a grad student, my passion project, more like obsession, was trying to dig up the truth on Oak Creek". He placed some pictures on a table, black and white with worn edges. Reaching out, Kira took one of the images, "so, where did the Nogitsune come from?". Her mother turned to her sharply, "isn't it obvious? It came from me".

"Kira, i need your help with this", Kira's mother said, organising the broken sword, "we don't have much time and this is something that has to be done in the daylight". Kira folded her arms, "not untill you tell us everything". Mr Y sighed, "tell them, Noshiko, tell them what they need to know". She stopped her actions and looked to the three of us, "wolves and foxes tend not to get along and not just in fables and stories". I looked to Scott, i already knew that and never followed it. Rules are made to be broken, mostly by the tricksters. "But allies, however, should be welcomed", Mr Y said, "especially in times of war".
Surprised, Noshiko turned to her husband as she slammed down a piece metal onto the table in anger before looking to us, making us jump back a little. Continuing to explain, she told us about her romance between a  German soldier Reece. "Okay, okay, we don't want to know your Casablanca story we want to know how to save Stiles", i said, waving my arms around in frustration. "I'm trying to tell you", Kiras mother said. "You're trying to stall", Scott spoke, "when the sun goes down, the Oni are going to come after him again".
"Your friend is gone, Scott", Mr Y said, earning my attention. "I don't think you know that for sure", i snapped, looking between the adults. "You brought the Oni, can you call them off?", Scott asked. "It's not his fault", Kira added. "Stiles may be your friend, brother, boyfriend but he is Nogitsune now", Noshiko said, ignoring the question, "he is void". "Can you call them off?", i pressed. "When you hear the rest of the story you won't want me to", the adult spoke.

As she was explaining, her grip on a silver shard became so tight, blood began to leak from her palm. "Noshiko", Mr Y warned. Snapping back into reality, she dropped the metal onto the table. Handed a tissue, she began to wipe the red liquid away. Grabbing her wrist, Kira marvelled at the fact that there was no wound. "How did you do that?", she asked, eyes wide. "It's one of our many talents", her mother replied, "something you will learn, something Y/N has already learned". I gave Kira a quick smile and let her mother continue talking. "You should have noticed you never get sick. You'll never experience something as small as a common cold and something as bad as pneumonia, unlike most of the prisoners". Her eyes galzed as she explained her memory, of how the German soldiers had taken the medicine for the illness away, leaving them sabatarged. Noshiko had told us about the mistakes she had made, about how she had started a riot. "I yelled for them to stop", she said, "but so many people were sick and so many were dying". The adult told us how angry they all were, so angry that one of them lit a bottle of whiskey on fire. A wolf, called Satomi, became so enraged that she threw the bottle at Reece.  The more she told the more the story had began to fall into place.

Laying the swords pieces out, Mrs Y began to explain more. "Soon, they started shooting, i was hit and it nearly killed me", she said, "i don't know how many bullets had made their way into my body but i fought all of them and it left my heartbeat so weak, it appeared as if i was dead".
"They covered it all up, they took all the dead bodies and were transporting them out of the camp", she said, "i wanted all the administrators and officers apart of the murders to be punished but i was running out of time, i was going to be burned with the others". I listened in interest, her story becoming more and more clear to how the Nogitsune came about.  
"I couldn't fight back with my weakened and still healing body, i could barely move, i was going to die. With time slipping through my fingers, i knew i was making a terrible decision but i could not die knowing they could get away", she explained, voice wavering, "so, i called out to our ancestors and i asked for possession of a fox spirit. A powerful Nogitsune that feeds off chaos, strife and pain to take over my body. But asking for a trickster spirit was a risk, they can have a dark sense of humor". Coming together like a puzzle, the story was finally clear. "It didn't posses you did it?", i asked, "it possessed reece". Noshiko nodded, bowing her head. "What happened?", Scott asked. "I healed and managed to pull myself from the ground but it was too late", she replied.
"What did it do?".
"It brought chaos, strife and more pain than you could imagine".
More details about the Nogitsune were told, about how he trapped survivors in Eichen house and killed people. Rushing to put the sword back together, Noshiko told us how she killed the Nogitsune, she had help from Satori. The fox and the wolf, working togther as a team. "Those last words he said meant a bolt of lightning in french but it can also mean love at first sight", the adult spoke. Kira slowly tunrned to Scott, making me smile at them. "And a bolt of lightning is what we need right now", Mrs Y stated. "Why?", Kira quizzed.
"When the Nogitsune was exorcised from Reeces body, it shattered the Katana. But you can put it back together".
"Why can't you just do it yourself?".
"Because I'm not a thunder Kitsune. Do you trust me?".
"I just found out you're 900 years old, i don't think I'm ever going to trust you again".
Noshikos face fell, yet her eyes showed understanding, "trust me on this". Kira gave her a small nod, telling her she did. Taking her daughters hand, Noshiko held it above the sword. Igniting into blue sparks, crackling back into shape, the Katana reformed into the sharp, silver weapon.

Gasping, Kira removed her hand a looked to Scott with wide eyes. "Kira, it's yours now", her mother said. "What if i don't want it?", she replied.
"You need it".
The sword was thrown to her, catching it with ease and using it like a professional. "See", Noshiko smiled. Kira's mouth hung open, staring at her stretched out hands. "It gives you balance, Kira, if the Oni can't defeat Stiles you can", the adult spoke, "and maybe seak out a wolf to help". "You didn't tell us how to save him", i stated. "You want to save Stiles, kill him, it's the only way", she said. I shook my head as i turned to Mr Y, "do you agree with this?".
"Sometimes history does repeat itself", he said, eyes sad.
"But only if you don't learn, we are not killing Stiles", my voice became a little louder, "there's a way to save him there has to be". A buzz came from my pocket as did Scott's, a message.

Allison: Derek's loft.

Giving them all one last look, i left the classroom, heading to find Stiles- to save him. 

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