Species log four: the in'stara

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Hello all! it's time for another species log! hoorah!! Any way, this request once again came from request over chat by mr stretch, hope you enjoy!

Race: in'starans

Home planet: the answer that follows is unreliable due to lack of data, however it is commonly believed that the in'stara originated from the dreaded dead space of the malga star system, however the TCPP claim no such place exists.

Leader: a single entity is said to rule the entire in'stara hive, know only as 'the queen' she is also believed to be myth.

Currency: none, the in'stara share everything, from children to food, everything is property of the entire hive and no one keeps anything to themselves.

Army: wave upon tidal wave of single minded drones led by up to three captains make the whole of the in'stara's army, very few are singled out to be anything but cannon fodder.

Navy: none, the in'stara travel along by chunks of asteroids in space. Due to the sacks of air and water that feeds oxygen to the brain and heart, the in'stara can survive eighteen years in space.

History: the history of the in'stara is vague and shadowed, no one knows who or what formed them, only that one day, while a farming planet went on about its business, the sky went black as billions upon billions of strange insect like men swooped upon them and began to feast on everything!

For forty years this went on, until the Terren council formed a counter attack and pushed them back.

Sadly, little could be done to save the planets ravaged by the in'stara's insatiable hunger......but despite all the negativity that they have endured, recent evidence comes to light that the in'stara are quite the opposite to what was painted of them.

Their mentality may have appeared like it, but the hives army only go forth with mindless heeding, the culture of the in'stara is rich and deep, with a single mantra keeping all they have in perfect sync "what is good for one is not good for many"

This states in ten words a lesson that all races seem to need the benefit of, while the other races seek only self gain, a single hive member will actively seek to make the whole colony a better place, for he or she is part of it, so what benefits all others will benefit him also.

Their hierarchy also shows extreme equality, a small time grub farmer can potentially become a ruling leader if he/she shows tact and a strict adhering to the mantra of life as they call it.

While the queen spawns all of the hive, the other hive members may and should seek a wife or husband of their own, while they cannot have children, the queen will give one of her offspring so they may raise it as their own.

This is termed 'the gift of the hive' and is a high honor to those involved, especially the queen.

All in all, the in'stara are feared for no reason, and it was only to lack of space that drove them to conquest, those of a scholarly calling should see the in'stara as a race of infinite depth and culture, not as mindless blood hungering monsters.

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