Character log: Linn

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Name: linn allavile (she may be married to Lexan but she kept her last name because Lexan doesn't have one)

Age: alavilean age, 405 human age, 20

Appearance: tall, slim and beautiful, she has pointed ears to show her status as a royal, her eyes are electric blue and her hair is raven black.

Background history:
Linn was born during a time of political unrest on allavile, but thankfully it never grew to war.

As she grew, she and her closest friend spent most of their time learning to fly at the alavilean academy, however, during a training mission, her best friend was shot down by smugglers, he was dead before he even knew it.

Grief and rage brought out a primal hate that all allavileans feared, the blood lust that lurked inside all of them.

After absolutely slaughtering the two smugglers, she returned to deliver the news of her friends death, inside her grief and pain building inside of her.

As the year went on, linn kept her distance and grew aloof from all the royal doings, until her father demanded that she come with them on a cruise around their star system.

This however would prove a near catasophe, as they were completing their tour, a gang of smugglers attacked, these were no run of the mill smugglers, they were able to knock down all the escorts and then the ships defenses, demanding that linn be executed for murder of two of their accomplices.

It was here that a miracle happened in the form of the Star Flight, effortlessly taking down the smugglers he landed and received a heroes honor, and the rest is history in the form of the copulation of linn and her husband.

Authors note: hey everyone, I know I said I had to wait, but the idea that's bubbling away in my noggin is too big to comprehend, so I need to get it on paper! So be prepared for a huge plot twist in the up and coming chapters, but I will say no more here, I'm being watched! just joking, who'd want to stalk me? 😂 any way! read! comment! annnnnnnddddddd VOTE!! adios mi amigos!

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