Character log: lexan

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Hey my people's! this is the first character log! have fun ;)

Name: Lexan of sword (his parents died after he was born, but more on that later)

Age: twenty four

Race: Terren

Home world: Sword Alpha

Occupation: smuggler, security escort, small arms dealer and anything else that earns a dishonest price


Lexan was born on sword during the mining rebellion in the year 5066, his parents were caught in the cross fire, his father died instantly, his mother however lived long enough to give birth to him and name him, however, no one knew their last name, so the elders of the town named him 'Lexan of sword' and it has stuck with him all his life.

Growing up in the small village of choke-point gully Lexan learnt fast that, in order to survive, you had to be dirty.

At the age of ten, Lexan was one of the greatest sneaks around, he was able to sneak past any guard to take whatever he liked, and to make it harder for the governors men to track him, he worked alone.

By the age of fifteen, Lexan had grown fed up by the government of sword alpha, and tried to buy a ship with the accumulated wealth he had 'stumbled' across, but a dirty ship seller kept upping the price of the ship he really wanted, a cargo ship that was slated for destruction and melting down.

So, he did what came natural to him, he stole it.

Now with a large bounty on his head for ship jacking and assault and battery on the first degree, Lexan fled the sword system and wandered around aimlessly, and hungrily.....until he met up with a band of smugglers who saw his skill at skulduggery and employed him.

When he turned twenty, Lexan left the group, amid a tearful good bye with pistols, for the only way to leave the group was to leave in a casket, he struck out for the center of the Milky Way, and met with his soon to be closest friend Kis'na, the Vorgon wolf.

And this is where you come in my friends, there is a lot more to lexans story, but it would take too long, so I would like to leave you with one of lexans quotes:

"To be good at smuggling or any sort of business, you need to jump on every large opportunity that comes your way"

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