Final species log: raa'ga'kid

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Species: raa'ga'kid

Home planet: feskaon

Leader: the Grand Scholar

Currency: on their planet they use cr'azon's, interstellar trading they use credits

Army: the raa'ga'kid have no major army, instead they use militia and mercenaries, but that doesn't mean that raa'ga'kids are weak or helpless, they put a major fight into any combat they have.

Navy: the raa'ga'kids have a powerful exploration fleet that are heavily protected from piracy and smugglers.


The history of the raa'ga'kid is long and colourful, starting with the discovery of the pulsar crystals.

The first raa'ga'kids were primitive and brutal, they hunted and killed each other with no remorse or pity, until one raa'ga'kid found a pulsating crystal that glowed with all the colours of the rainbow.

Captivated, the young raa'ga'kid walked forth and, with trepidation, touched the crystal.....the whole cavern shook, the rocks dislodged from the ceiling and sealed the raa'ga'kid into the cavern.

Panicking, the raa'ga'kid called for help, but instead of a primitive call or roar, it came out in a series of strange sounds.

The raa'ga'kid, whose name became 'mithaveil', was shocked, he also found that he knew what to do.....using his formidable strength, he broke a stalactite and used it as a lever to push the boulders away!

Somehow, this crystal had bestowed the young mithaveil with incredible knowledge and the ability to speak and think and much more.

There were some draw backs to this however, as more and more raa'ga'kids embraced the knowledge that the crystals provided, many more enjoyed the taste of flesh and the thrill of the hunt.

These blood thirsty monsters slowly changed and grew steadily more dangerous as they allowed their primal urges to break through.

Seeing no other recourse, the grand scholar (the ruler and supreme judge of all the raa'ga'kids) decreed that all the primitive raa'ga'kids, now called dinosaurs, to be deported to an uninhabited planet and told to live their horrific way of life away from civilization.

As the years went by, the raa'ga'kid made numerous and many breakthroughs, thanks largely to their improved brainpower, they had discovered that the pulsar crystals were in fact fragments from a warp drive system of an ancient craft that had landed here and had been ignored by the primitives.

They also first discovered humans, but found them slow, but curious and having a large thirst for knowledge, but left them alone due to the fact that they had arrived at a time of political unrest, if the grainy black and white photos and crackling fragments of 'radio' were anything to go by.

The raa'ga'kids are not without their bad history however, it was due to them that the catalyst (an early prototype laboratory ship) exploded and killed millions, there was never any reason behind this act and the grand scholar was quick to blame rebels (a then very real problem to all of the IPAP ((interstellar planetary alliance pact)) )

It was also them that had engineered the mass slaughter of the roosh'kat, a group of vicious marauders that prayed on children and women.

But with or without their history, one thing about the raa'ga'kid stands above everything, and that is their quest and thirst for knowledge, what ever the cost......

Authors note: hey all! that's that! all done with the species logs, for now at least, next one will be a personal profile about Lexan, if there's anything you'd like to know about the hero, let me know, so long as it isn't stupid or downright disturbing.

Also, I threw in two references to earths history, they should be easy to find if you look, can you find them both? anyway, read! comment! annndddd VOTE! adios!

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