Chapter twenty six: The United Galaxies Headquarters

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Linn stood at the take off pad, watching as Lexan loaded his ship, she badly wanted to go, she knew she wouldn't win, but she wanted to go.

Altan was being followed closely by kis'na, she seemed to take a very great interest in him.

Rook and Raan were loading ammo and cartridges of plasma to power the guns, linn stood beside her father, who was glowing in pride at them.

All in all, she wanted to see her husband in private, not for anything steamy, but for a long and loving goodbye.....

"Linn...." she turned and saw Lexan smiling at her "can I have a word?" she smiled and nodded, her stomach had grown slightly, being an alaviliean she had a period of a year before labour, while this seems to be odd, it was just the way they were.

"What did you want to ask, my love?" she asked softly.

"I just wanted to say that, if something were to happen to me, I want you to live your life, to find someone who will love you and-"

"Stop right there" she said sharply, he blinked "I think you should know that allavileans mate for life, we never find new mates no matter how much we are pressured too, and I won't be an exception to that!"

"Linn, I'm not asking you to forget me, I just want our child to live with a father, I don't want it to live a life like I lived...."

"Oh, my love, he or she will have either of us to look after him or her, i'm not marrying another, its as plain as that" she said firmly, Lexan sighed and said

"At least have someone who'll act like a father to him or her?"

"Oh, I can do that" she said smiling, and hugging him, she then spoke an unearthly language, haunting and beautiful, it seemed to make the air ring

"Mis'cal norsan calla mirtjan mis lova"

He stared in amazement and asked "what was that? it sounded beautiful!"

She giggled and snuggled into his chest and said "its ancient alaviliean, it means 'be safe and prosper my lover'"

She grinned as he let go, he leant down and just as their lips were about to touch-


"Let me go kis'na!!"

"What the hell!" Lexan yelled, staring as a petrified altan was dragged in by a heat lusted kis'na.

She let go of him and gulped, she had only seen him angry at her like this once, and that was when she had been mounted by another wolf.

"Lexan-" he silenced her and said, with forced calm.

"Kis'na, as we are now practically brother and sister, I am not going to let people call you a-"

"A what?!" she yelled "a what exactly!"

He opened his mouth to yell back, but linn said "Lexan, kis'na is going through a lot of changes right now, she's confused and upset, while its no excuse to what she was about to do, maybe you should keep in mind that she's going through a difficult time"

Everyone stared and kis'na stood looking distinctively impressed and gratified, if not a bit awkward.

"So I suggest she stay here until she can deal with the changes her bodies undergone, then, when you stop by here, you can pick her up"

Kis'na looked less impressed with this

"But I want to help!" she said angrily, glaring at linn.

"So do I" she said calmly "but do you really think you'd be of help when your mind is elsewhere? I know you don't like it kis'na, but both of us are of no help in our current state.....besides" she added the next bit heavily

"I realize that I haven't been what you would call I good friend, and I want to make it up to you....."

I was clear that kis'na was touched and that linn was genuine with her claim, so, in the end, kis'na agreed.


"Well, just us males" Raan said after they had explained what was happening.

The other guys nodded, more then a little awkward, the three others had formed a close bond, but altan hadn't been there for their previous adventures, but he was settling in nicely.

He was fascinated by the Star Flight, wandering around and enjoying the general feel of the ship.

He was ecstatic to hear that he was to be the official crew doctor, and that his clinic would double as his room.

"Thank you! I've always wanted my own office!" Lexan was alarmed

"But aren't you a doctor?!" he nodded and said

"Oh yes! I'm a fully certified doctor, its just that the priesthood believes that by giving offices to others we become stratified and jealous of each other"

"Makes sense....." Lexan said, even though it didn't really.

Rook walked in at that moment carrying the medical supplies, and, for once, the tension was minimal.

"Is that the bandages and powdered liven?" he nodded "okay, set the bandages on the bench and put the liven in the cold storage straight away, it explodes in too much heat"

Lexan looked alarmed and asked "what does it do?"

"It's a powdered pain killer and disinfectant, mix it with water and you have a powerful yet inexpensive disinfectant that cleans and numbs the wound"

Raan was the next to enter, rook having left while he explained, after a quick tour of the box (which proved to be more bandages and needles filled with different sorts of vaccines) Lexan left altan to glory over his new space.

He spied rook staring out of the window of the dinning room, looking quite pensive, he walked up and joined him.

"We have to work together" he said after a while of staring out of the window into the blackness, they had taken off some minutes ago.

"I know" was all he said....


The UG was huge, a Flying Fortress of massive proportions, though not as big as the Terren HQ, it was still a sight, altan looked like a child at Christmas "imagine how many medical advances were made here!" he whispered, more to himself then the other three.

Lexan had given the steering column to rook, while he prepared for the meeting by dressing in royal alaviliean colours, blue, red and a light green, the red on the shoulder pads, green leggings and shirt with a smart blue jacket over the top that was decorated with the badge of prince hood, plus the badges of bravery he received when he shot down those smugglers.

His boots remained the same, heavy and combat like, he wore at his hip a single saber that was more for decoration then anything, and his two plasma powered pistols, one in a side holster that showed, and one on his hip.

He also wore a hat that held the symbol for prince and captain.

As the landed, Raan and altan had taken up position as honorary guards, Raan wore a simple scholar uniform, but had hidden under his sleeve his combat knife as well as his trusty pistol at his side that Lexan had given him.

Altan carried a sword and a small automatic pistol, he looked beyond the moon about all this.

The cargo door opened and Lexan looked nervous "show time boys" he murmured, before stepping out to meet the corrugated officials.

Authors note: and ill leave it there for now for two reasons, one, while helping my uncle clean up his fish tank, the heater exploded, and I'm helping to clean the aftermath and two, because my head is filled with ideas and if I don't slow them down, I'm gonna start writing another story, so, until then, read! comment! annnnnnddddd VOTE!!!
Hasta luego :D

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