Character log: kis'na

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Race: Vorgon wolf (like a normal Vorgon, but more feral and in tune with nature)

Age: four years old or twenty eight

Appearance: medium length black coat with grey flecks through it, her eyes are deep red, but not cold or hungry.


kis'na was abandoned by her pack many years ago when her mother (the alpha) was caught by Vorgon hunters who specialize in catching them and making sure they do not harm others.

Kis'na was a confused pup at the time, she could understand the speech that these wolf like men and women possessed and could even form basic sounds and very basic patterns.

It was after she escaped the hands of a vicious collector who used her like a trophy, she met the young boy who kept her safe and introduced her to the man that would be her new alpha guardian, Lexan.

After a few years of living together, kis'na learnt that her kind had next to no speech capabilities despite growling and snarling, except those that were believed to be 'missing links' Vorgon wolves that had both the capabilities of Vorgon men and wolves.

She decided to keep this to herself until she could find the right way to say it to her best friend.

But there is more to kis'na then meets the eye, underneath her fierce and unkind looking exterior lies the heart of a true friend, and while she may not care much for linn, she knows that she makes Lexan happy, and that is all she needs to know in order to let linn be part of their growing pack.

touch him and ill rip you apart!! (Said during a fight on Vorgon, but no one could hear)

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