Chapter twenty seven: in the UG

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Lexan walked down the open ramp, met by a tall and willowy alaviliean "your highness" the lady said, bowing "I am the alaviliean ambassador, I have received word of your rank within our kingdom and I welcome you to the United Galaxies Head Quarters"

Lexan held out his hand with a smile "may I inquire your name?" she blinked, surprised, but smiled warmly, and took his hand.

"My name is Alexis moonquarter, welcome, you and your guards must by hungry and thirsty"

"Thank you, we have another with us but I don't think you'd be ready to meet him, just send a plate of food to him"

"Of course, right this way"

He smiled, and walked with Raan and altan while rook sat at the cockpit, meditating....


The council babbled away, a thousand voices all echoing as one in the high doomed ceiling.

The fattest one, a pilock, shouted "we must lower taxes on virdum ore! it is getting-" but he soon was frowned out by a Terren yelling;

"To hell with your ore! my people's lesser planets are in danger of-" and on it went, a thousand and one mouths shouting from what was supposed to be a single head, Lexan found it quite annoying.

Beside him, miss moonquarter groaned "they have been like this for days my lord, supplies are running low and we have no idea why"

"We do" Lexan said calmly "why do you think we came here?" she looked surprised

"Then why do you wait? we could of had this over by now" she asked, apparently politeness was a very strong suite for this girl.

"Well, if you'd have told me that sooner, then we would have" he said shortly, covering up his embarrassment, she just smiled.

Eventually, order was restored, and Lexan stood, everyone turned to him, and when he spoke, they were given the impression of a man who was used to giving orders, but hadn't let it go to his head.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have come in the name of the king of alavile, and bring grim news"

There was muttering, but thankfully, no one started a shouting match, so he continued.

"You are aware, I believe, of the short time where alavile had been cut off from the main galaxy? this was not due, to an error of communications, as I have heard said, but because of an attack upon the surface of the planet"

This caused an uproar, people were panicking, considering that the main bulk of alavilean research went into security measures, Lexan bellowed to be heard, the suddenness of it shocked people into silence.

"This attack came, not from an outside threat of another planet.....but from their graveyard"

The whole place went quiet, not a single breath was taken.....

"You are also aware of the disease which is currently ravening the galaxy? I tell you this now, the two are related"

"Impossible!" yelled the pilock "the diseased ramble around harmlessly, they are of no threat"

"You would say that, you fat lug!" the Terren yelled "but you haven't seen what they do! or how their formed-"

And so it began again, constant bickering, Lexan closed his eyes and breathed through his nose, before raising his gun and firing a sound blast.

The sudden bang and after sound stunned them "better" he said calmly "listen to me, these diseased are no mere cursed, nor are they acting on their own free will, they are controlled and created by a man known as 'the stranger' but even he is controlled"

He paused and nodded to altan, who stood and said "the diseased are beyond anything I've seen, I am a certified doctor and healer by the Vorgon moon council, and the diseased are no mere by products of nature, the strain is too perfect, to clean"

No one said anything, then it was Raan's turn "I am a scholar of the raa'ga'kid, and I have studied these matters closely, this is not the first time it happened, but a second, as I'm sure the senior members of this council know"

"You see ladies and gentlemen, the time has come to take action, you have lost contact with many planets, this is because the diseased now control them, your best bet is to join hands and fight together, if not, then you burn alone"

He sat down, Alexis looked at him with respect, Raan and altan looked respectful.....and one by one, with the Terrens leading, stood and pledge honor to each other.

Oooookay! I am super hyped right now, because one, we're approaching a huge number that I have yet to reach in story writing, and that's forty, and two, I now have 10.1 views!!!! thank you everyone for this! I will try to keep it up and give you the best I can! anyway, read, comment and vote! bye!

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