Chapter twenty four: new looks, old self

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Kis'na groaned and sat up, she looked around and saw that everything seemed.....closer, then before.

The priests stared in numb shock while Lexan was picked up by Raan, who also stared in dumb surprise "what are you lot gawking at?! less stare, more explain!"

"Miss kis'na, please relax, you.....ah.....need clothing first" here she frowned as the young priest looked away and she scoffed.

"I'm a wolf, what do I need clothes for?" in response he simply wheeled a mirror in front of her, she stared as an hour glass shaped Vorgon stared back, she raised her hand, and the person did too......

A moment passed, and suddenly, it clicked.



Raan stood waiting while Lexan rubbed his eyes, which seemed to be a bit sensitive, he sighed and asked "what happened?" Lexan waved for him to be quiet a moment and he obliged.

After a moment, Lexan sighed and said "it was a DNA transfer, highly dangerous, and when we weren't trying to do it, it becomes even more so" Raan frowned and asked

"Then how did it happen? if you weren't planing it?"

"The sudden eye contact and kis'na kissing my hand exchanged DNA codes, the flakes of skin on her tongue and her saliva on my hand fooled the energy into thinking that that is what we wanted"

"So, she's part Terren and-"

"And I am part Vorgon now, yes"

There was a stunned silence as Raan digested this information......

"Linn isn't going to be happy, is she?"

He simply shook his head, which caused him to grimace, Raan noticed this and he asked.

"Why do you have negative effects but kis'na does not?"

"The transfer was designed for Vorgon use only, a Terrens biological makeup is totally different to a Vorgon, so my DNA had to change in order for it to work without killing me"

"Is that why you suffer headaches? and does that mean that you have the abilities of a Vorgon now?"

"The answers to those are, yes and not quite, I have the advanced hearing, sight, taste and smell, but that's it, oh, and you try having a DNA change and see how well you handle it"

Raan laughed, and Lexan punched his shoulder lightly, but that still made him wince, vorgons are known for their colossal strength, maybe Lexan received that too.

One thing still bothered him though, how could it be that kis'na, a Vorgon wolf, be changed into an ordinary Vorgon, if there was ever such a thing.....

He had no time to ponder it as the priest appeared and proclaimed her decent......


Kis'na felt moody, and when Lexan entered, she felt more so "okay, explain! what happened?!" Lexan winced and said.

"Not so loud! your voice could shatter glass!" she growled but toned it down.

After explaining, she ran a hand through her new short grey black hair and asked "what do we do now?"

"We head back to allavile and see what we do about this threat....." Lexan explained.

"Not so fast master Lexan" said the priest, he barred the door and looked stern.

"If your looking for pay, we have done on our ship" Lexan said calmly.

But the priest shook his head "we don't care about money master Lexan, we are a priesthood, not a business, no, what worries us is that you are now part Vorgon, you have greater strength and increased senses, but you don't have training to use them"

He paused and then said "your friends may go, but you......will need to wait here until we are satisfied that you will not be harmful to yourself or others"

Lexans jaw dropped and he said "but, I have an important mission from the king of allavile who happens to be my father in law!"

"Then we have reached an impasse, its either you stay here and learn, or I go with you" this shocked them, after a moments pause he pressed "well? what is your answer Lexan of the three stars?"

He frowned, three stars in Vorgon myth meant three homes, but sword was never his home "two stars will do....fine, pack your things and be ready to leave" he grinned and nodded, then raced away.


The priest looked around the Star Flight, mesmerized 'so' he thought 'this is the infamous Star Flight.....' he had heard legends of this ship, supposedly so fast and light it mimicked a hawk, and guns that were light also added to its capabilities.

Kis'na showed him to his room, which was modest but by no means uncomfortable, he thanked her and sat his bag down, he also had a medic bag, filled with medication and such.

He turned and saw kis'na staring at him, being small and weak looking made him something of an attraction to the women on his home planet, but being a priest made it illegal to find a full time mate.

Which was why he looked nervous when kis'na walked in and pushed the lock button beside the door.

'Dear ashliina, help me!'


Lexan glared at kis'na while the priest, whose name was al'tan, shook slightly in a seat beside Raan, who gently patted him on the back.

"Care to explain why you just tried to rape the poor man?" he asked calmly

"Call it hormones or whatever, I don't know" she shot him a sorry look, which he ignored, still afraid she assumed.

"Well, from now on, do things properly, don't just assume its what they want, ill be keeping an eye on you, understand?" she nodded, too ashamed to speak.

"Okay, next stop, allavile, and one big headache from explaining things"

He mumbled the last part to himself though....

Authors note: okay! hopefully that one was better, another crew member! and a medic no less! now, who could of come up with that? haha, anyway, the next chapter will see all of them together again, naturally, expect some tension between al'tan and rook, but nothing big.
Hasta luego!

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