Chapter thirty two: recolations

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The king stood in the garden, watching as soldiers of every race flocked to their city. He sighed as he remembered the first time this happened, when the Terren man entered their planet and preached unity of the stars, he was but a boy in those times, fresh on the throne after his father perished.

He remembered it as clear as day.....

** flashback **

He sighed as the lords and ladies bickered and snapped, he was often told if you wanted to see the best, you had to go further then the court room.

Today's topic; the price for island spices.

"You, dear sir, raise the prices by fifteen percent so that you may roll in coin! while my nation starves!"

"Dear women, do you really expect me to believe that?! your nation is lousy in coin and credits while mine makes a meager living off of filthy ground spice!"

He gave a soft groan as a headache grew, his advisor smiled sadly at his pained grimace and leant to a servant and said "run and get a few asphn for the king, will you?"

she nodded and trotted off, her golden blonde hair glittering, she captivated him for a moment, before the arguing turned ugly, having enough, he stood and said "enough!!"

They fell silent, and josphen sighed in relief "we are here to discuss the price!" he snarled "not tear ourselves apart over it! now sit and be silent"

They did so, looking more then a little ashamed.

"Next item please, josphen"

"Of course your majesty, the next item is a Terren ambassador, please step forward young man, and state your claim!"

He did so, dressed in common clothes, he bowed and looked around, the seats were sat around a small divot in the ground, and all eyes could see the senators and hear them clearly.

"Good evening" he said casually "I am not good at words, so I will make this quick.....we are all in grave danger"

There was mutterings and in some cases laughter.

"What nonsense is this!" a senator sneered

"Nonsense is every sense, in case you didn't know, but for now, let me explain.....the disease-"

"Not this rubbish again!" the same senator laughed jeeringly "the rumors of a disease are-"

"Senator homphrey, I suggest you sit down and shut up" the man said, there was silence, how had he known his name?

"The disease is no rumor, it has already decimated the outer planets of the sword mining system, including my wife, so unless you have something important to say, sit like the arrogant schoolboy you are, but be silent!"

His jaw dropped open, but he made no comment.

"Good boy, now, as I was saying, I have journeyed far and wide to discover the origins of this plague, and my search brought me to the cursed area of the malga star!"

There was a collective gasp, but no one said anything.

"From there, I sought the in'stara queen Melanie, who told me of a terrible war they now wage with a beast of tremendous evil.....whispered only as met'a"

He frowned as the man continued....

"So now, I bring you warning, for the planet ashim of the in'stara is due to fall, and their deadly enemy reaches for this system! and the next! only by joining hands with the races of the Milky Way can you hope to withstand this onslaught"

"Preposterous!! this is near madness! total insanity!"

"Which one is it? near or total? can't stand it when people do that" he mumbled.

"It seems to me" josphen called "that a vote is in order, those who are with this man, and his strange ideals, raise your hands"

Three people did so, a lady of the court, josphen.....and himself!

The court mumbled and protested, but ultimately, the man was outvoted....

"I have delivered my warning, I have tried.....on your heads be it, I will remain here a day, but if your willing to close your eyes and die blind, so be it......on your head, then"

He turned and drew his clock tighter, and into the cold winter night he left....

** end **

The king sighed, they had suffered greatly after that, the disease came, and killed millions before he decided to send for help, and help came, in the form of men and women from across the galaxy, he had been overwhelmed when the man held his hand to him and said;

"Brothers, till the end"

Yes....brothers, he may have disappeared, but he was a brother solider, and he will honor his pact to him......

.....whatever the cost.

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