chapter one

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Keira Hale had nobody in her life, she was isolated, and had been for the past 10 years, and she intended it to stay that way

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Keira Hale had nobody in her life, she was isolated, and had been for the past 10 years, and she intended it to stay that way. She did not wish to welcome anyone into her life, and desired to survive alone, but fate had other plans when she had prey on the wrong individual.

Prey, in the sense of Keira being a born werewolf who transitioned at a young age, was further solidified by the fact that her parents' deaths were at the hands of their mortal enemies—vampires.

Since the unfortunate events that took place, Keira had remained in her werewolf form, learning to fend for herself by hunting and hiding from predators like any other wild animal. This helped her survive and adapt to her new reality, but it also made her miss the comfort and security that she had initially lived with as a human.

Despite all the obstacles that she had faced, Keira remained determined to uphold her duty and protect herself from the vampire threat. Her new life as a werewolf had made her stronger and more resilient, but it also came with its own set of challenges. She had to learn to keep her instincts in check and control her hunger for flesh, as well as come to terms with her identity as a half-human, half-animal creature.

As Keira was stalking her next victim, a sudden twist of fate occurred when the man she was preying upon just smiled at her, leaving her feeling baffled and unsure of what to expect. Instead of being afraid for his life, he seemed to be welcoming her presence, leaving her utterly bewildered as to his motives and what will transpire next.

As she approached her prey, she noticed something about him that struck fear into her heart. Her natural instincts were failing her, and she could not attack due to knowing that it would be fatal. The man in front of her radiated an unsettling power that froze her in place, making her question the consequences of taking action.

The man's presence was overwhelming, and it filled Keira with a sense of dread. Every instinct in her body was urging her to flee, but she was unable to move. The man stood there, silently observing her, and as their eyes met, Keira felt a wave of terror wash over her. She had never felt so defenseless in her life. In the blink of an eye, she knew that she was under his control.

"What is a young wolf like you doing out at these parts?" the man said as he knelt down smiling at her. Keira let out a growl in response, but it was not the least bit intimidating to the man. His gaze remained unwavering, sending a shiver down Keira's spine. The power imbalance between them was evident, leaving her feeling more vulnerable than ever.

The man continued to observe her, remaining still despite her growl. His smile did not falter for a second, and his confident demeanor made Keira feel even more uneasy. She had never encountered someone so intimidating before. Her instincts were still urging her to run, but the man's presence held her in place. She could feel that he was in control of the situation, and there was nothing she could do about it.

As if the man's presence could not get more menacing, he then closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his sclera and iris had turned completely black, with his eyes now flashing yellow. In a blink of an eye, his teeth had elongated, revealing a monstrous grin that was utterly terrifying. Keira's eyes went wide with horror, as she realized that she had fallen into the clutches of something far worse than a vampire...

Keira instinctively shifted to her human form in the face of the horrifying sight. However, the years spent in her werewolf form had taken a toll on her appearance. She was now naked and covered in grime and dirt, her hair clearly unkempt. She looked like a feral animal, one that had survived on its own for far too long. This new look only added to the feeling of vulnerability and dread she felt in that moment.

"I finally found you, dearest Keira," the man said with a predatory smile. Keira stared at him, utterly vulnerable and unsure of what was going on around her. She didn't remember anything, and she was unable to recall any of the events that had led her to this point. The man's words sparked a faint sense of familiarity in her mind, but she could not pinpoint the source.

"" she said slowly, her words coming out broken and strained. She had not spoken for many years, and the words she was trying to form were not coming to her mind easily. Her vocabulary was limited, and she struggled even to form complete sentences. This made her feel even more vulnerable and unprotected in the presence of the man who had found her.

"Niklaus Mikaelson, love, and I been looking everywhere for you," he said with a taunting smirk. He reached out his hand, perhaps in a gesture of protection or affection, but the action had caused her to flinch in fright. The memory of the man's monstrous appearance still fresh in her mind.

"Niklaus" Keira snapped her head up at the new man who approached her, and instantly, she felt a wave of relief wash over her. This man did not seem nearly as terrifying as Niklaus, and his presence offered a much-needed source of comfort in the midst of all the terror and uncertainty.

Elijah Mikaelson approached the pair, and immediately, Niklaus noticed a change in Keira's facial expression. Her expression, which was previously dominated by fear and distress, quickly shifted to one of relief as soon as Elijah arrived. This caught Niklaus off guard, and he watched closely to see what would happen next.

Niklaus could see immediately that Keira felt safer in the presence of his brother than him. He watched as Elijah reached out his hand to her, and she took it without hesitation. This contrast in responses struck a chord of jealousy in his heart, and he frowned instantly at this realization.

Niklaus had been searching for this wolf for a long time, and he knew that winning her over would not be easy. He had approached the situation harshly, taking the wrong approach just like Elijah had warned him about. Now, seeing the ease with which Keira responded to his brother's presence, he realized the full extent of his failure to understand her.

Niklaus watched as Keira stood in peace with his brother, with a look of understanding and compassion on his face. She felt safe and accepted in his presence, unlike the fear and unease she felt around him. These feelings only emphasized the stark contrast between them and the failure of his approach to win her trust.

He felt a tinge of regret for his actions, realizing that he could have done better in handling her case. Perhaps if he had taken a softer approach like his brother, he would have been able to earn her trust.

"Niklaus, you must approach with caution," Elijah said to his brother, stressing the need for diligence in handling Keira's case. She had not been human for many years, and so she had adapted to life as a werewolf, which meant that she required a more delicate approach.

Niklaus took a sip from his wine, attempting to take a moment to gather his thoughts. He was aware of his brother's advice, but the urge to act swiftly

"She is a wolf, her natural instinct is to attack," Niklaus stated, indicating his intention to approach her in a way that is consistent with her predatorial nature.

Niklaus remained firm in his decision to approach Keira as a predator would, despite his brother's warning against it.

"In that case, you must be prepared for the outcome, in which she may attack, grow fear or even run from you ," Elijah warned him, indicating the potential risks involved in such an approach.

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