chapter thirteen

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Niklaus chose to interrupt the pause with a question, one that was directed towards Keira

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Niklaus chose to interrupt the pause with a question, one that was directed towards Keira.

"What do you mean exactly by you being the guardian?"

The query was indeed pertinent, as it brought to light the meaning and depth of the label that had been used to describe Keira's role amongst the Originals.

Keira swiftly made a move and proceeded to guide and direct the Original's towards the dining table in the room, as she requested them to take a seat.

"Let's have you all sit down, and I'll explain everything, and Freya can also add in about your two brothers," was Keira's invitation, as she suggested that they all take their seats, as she prepared to provide a detailed explanation and clarification regarding the circumstances and events that had transpired.

Keira took her position at the other end of the table, placing her directly across from Niklaus, as she set out to provide detailed accounts of her ancestry and lineage.

She shared with the Originals the pertinent details pertinent to her family and their heritage, a narrative that added depth and context to the proceedings.

After Keira had concluded her piece, Freya assumed the role of sharing information regarding her connection and status as the elder sibling to the Original siblings, one whose existence had been kept relatively secretive and unknown.

Keira now set out to state a summary and reiterate a key aspect of her newly earned status and role within the Mikaelson family, doing so while addressing them collectively as a whole.

"Basically, I am forever bound to you all, not that I mind, really. I don't have any clue about Kol or Finn, and Freya is a witch which I hold no ill-will towards, but now that I'm set to remain alongside you all, it appears that I have to contend with being with you," Keira spoke, clearly stating her current situation.

Keira's intuition had prompted her to intervene, realizing that Kol had something specific in mind, so she interrupted him before he could proceed to speak.

"Hey, so you're like a werewolf, and all," were Kol's words that were cut short, as Keira anticipated the query coming his way.

to express his feelings of ambivalence regarding her status as a werewolf.

Keira responded quickly and with maturity, acknowledging his potential concerns and providing a rationale regarding those emotions, while also sharing her own perspective on the situation.

"I understand that you are weary of me, particularly following the murder of your youngest brother at the hands of a werewolf. To defend or justify it would be hypocritical, since my kind did slaughter yours, but now I see that blaming and hate merely clouds judgement."

Keira maintained a firm and confident demeanor, as she spoke with conviction concerning her role as the guardian of the Mikaelson family.

Keira also acknowledged that despite the sins that the Originals had committed, a collective connection was now binding them and that she would take upon her duty of ensuring their well-being, even if their reactions towards her would be resentful.

"We are all monsters, and each of us has committed grievous actions, however, I am now bonded to all of you, and I will continue in my oath of protecting you, despite your feelings towards me."

Following Keira's declaration and reaffirmation of her dedication, Kol provided a quick statement, expressing his admiration for the young guardian.

Kol's smile, coupled with Rebekah's subsequent chuckle, served to solidify their admiration and regard for the youthful guardian.

The hybrid's glare in response to Kol's remark, however, seemed to indicate a certain degree of annoyance at his comments.

Keira observed Finn, noticing his silence and the expression he held, with his face bearing a scrunched nose.

Meanwhile, Elijah was observing Finn, his eyes indicating a hint of distrust and suspicion.

Freya's sigh was clearly evident, conveying her frustration and exasperation at the two brothers' conduct.

Freya's subsequent addition provided a new direction for the conversation, with her theory serving as the new topic of discussion.

"I believe the reason Kol and Finn are alive is due to their previous and preceding status as Original Vampires. Despite they had perished, they were brought back, and as for Henrik, who passed in a human state and was never initially turned, he did not endure a resurrection."

The theory was a plausible explanation for the survival of Kol and Finn, while offering a rationalization for the non-survival of Henrik.

Elijah's next question was directed towards Finn, and it was clear that the Original family members had a somewhat unsavory impression of him.

The inquiry was straightforward, requesting a response from Finn regarding his recollections and memories.

"Finn, what do you remember?" Elijah questioned the older brother, displaying the hostility the others held as they awaited the response of their kin.

Finn's response was blunt and straightforward, as he simply stated that he remembered being turned into a vampire, but couldn't recall anything beyond that point.

The Original siblings were initially doubtful of his claims, their suspicions evident through their expressions and attitudes.

However, Keira stepped in, speaking on her elder brother's behalf, as she added credence and weight to his statements.

All of the Originals, excluding Freya, turned their attention to Keira, bearing expressions of scrutiny and confusion.

They were seeking an answer in regards to the young guardian's claim of Finn's honesty.

Keira met their gaze directly, confirming the veracity of the elder brother's words without hesitation

Keira's physical gestures indicated a certain level of nonchalance, as she folded her arms, accompanied by a raised eyebrow, conveying her calm demeanor.

"As I stated before, I am the guardian, one connected to all of you, as I possess the ability to sense your emotions."

"Yeah connected, to one more than the others" Rebekah's comment was playful and teasing in nature, while Niklaus also demonstrated a smirk and grin, as he joined in on the banter and playfulness.

With the conversation and interactions having taken a more lighthearted and playful tone, the remaining Originals also engaged in light-hearted and humorous banter with each other.

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