chapter eight

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Keira was situated inside the restroom adjoining to her personal quarters, whilst wielding a pair of scissors, which she employed to sever the lengthy locks of hair from her scalp

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Keira was situated inside the restroom adjoining to her personal quarters, whilst wielding a pair of scissors, which she employed to sever the lengthy locks of hair from her scalp.

She appeared pleased, as she discarded her locks down the sink, seemingly liberated and satisfied with the action she had undertaken.

The action of cutting her hair appeared peculiar to Keira, as she was unaccustomed to such a course of action.

Nonetheless, she appeared to be pleased with the result, the decision evidently having instilled a sense of fulfillment in her, for reasons unknown.

The young werewolf felt a sense of acceptance as she performed the action, and it seemed to her that she was embracing the concept of living life without dwelling on revenge, and focusing on other endeavors instead.

It felt as though she was acknowledging the need to let go of the desire for vengeance that had dictated a significant portion of her existence, as she sought to initiate a new stage in life, unfettered by regrets and resentment.

Keira was keenly cognizant of the fact that the process of allowing others into her life would not be a simple one, but she contemplated the perspective of her adversary being the very reason behind the resolution of the lingering resentment she had harbored.

She acknowledged the reality that it would be prudent to desist from placing her blame solely on an entire species, owing to the acts of a few, and instead, embracing them, especially the party who had displayed nothing but goodwill towards her.

It was a notion she deemed feasible, and it served as a potent incentive to progress forward.

As she exited the bathroom, Keira wandered down to the central section of the residence, where she engaged in a visual inspection, but she did not come across any of the Originals in the vicinity.

Upon finding the area void of the trio's presence, she experienced a sudden bout of uneasiness, which she struggled to explain.

She continued to explore the space, seeking to ascertain whether they were present somewhere in the vicinity, but her efforts remained fruitless with no sighting of anyone.

In light of the persistent absence of the Originals, Keira came to the conclusion that organizing a meal would be the ideal first move.

With the intent of providing them with a sign of gratitude, she conceived the endeavor of preparing a proper meal, as it would serve as a token of appreciation for the love and support they had displayed towards her prior to the memories reemerging.

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