chapter three

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Niklaus stood there, transfixed by the captivating scene before him

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Niklaus stood there, transfixed by the captivating scene before him. Keira sat languidly on the counter, her dark hair glistening in the soft light, her face a picture of serene bliss. As she ate ravenously and hummed a cheerful tune, her voice echoed throughout the space, filling his heart with a light warmth he had never felt before.

As he searched for the young wolf, his intent was to turn her into a hybrid. He had been made aware of her unique bloodline of wolves, which had piqued his curiosity and spurred him on in his search. The chance to study such a rare species was irresistible, and he was determined to seize this golden opportunity.

The werewolf family was endowed with the capability to control their age, harnessing newfound strength and vigor for each victim they preyed upon. However, Niklaus was unaware of one essential detail. They functioned as guardians, becoming imprinted to the ones they were fated to be with.

However, while Keira's ability was still dormant, her traumatic past had created a mental block, resulting in her inability to access her family's talents. She needed to uncover and resolve her past to unblock her memories, regaining both her skills and a link with her lineage.

Despite Keira's blocked abilities, her strength and powers were gradually returning through her recollections of her former life. However, the trauma from her past still gripped her like a vise, keeping her from reconnecting with her lineage. Somehwere her mind knew her destiny was to protect the ones entrusted to her but needed to confront her demons to fulfill her legacy.

"Little Wolf" Klaus whispered playfully, hoping to gain her attention. With her enhanced hearing, Keira had no trouble hearing and responded quickly, her ears tilting in his direction with an alert look in her eyes.

She looked up at him quizzically, tiltings her head and replying with a playful "Big Wolf?" She was curious about why he was using that name for her but remained on guard.

Klaus raised his eyebrows, taken aback by her innocent response, "What did you call me?" he asked, his tone curious rather than confrontational.

Keira giggled as she pointed to herself when she said "Little Wolf," and then pointed to Klaus when she called him "Big Wolf."  She immediately grinned, swinging her legs on the counter as she did so.

Klaus smirked at her adorable response, charmed by her playful nature. "So, is that how this little game of yours is played?" he teased, his tone bemused but with a hint of amusement, "Love, are you daring to give me a nickname?"

Klaus' amusement grew as she jumped off the counter and approached him, her playful nature evident in the way she raised her hands excitedly while calling him "Big Wolf." At her question about him, he tilted his head in thought, his eyes appraising her with interest, ou are different, scent, what are you, Big Wolf?"

"What am I?" he repeated her question, his tone curiously playful. "That's a good question." He leaned forward slightly, studying her closely, taking in her scent and assessing her demeanor.

Klaus observed as Keira took his hand, sniffing his arm curiously. For some reason, he hadn't pulled away or shown any signs of anger, letting her continue her investigation. He seemed perplexed, but there was also something about this young woman that intrigued him.," I am The Original Hybrid, Love"

"Hybrid?" Keira repeated, tilting her head with a confused look as she smelled his arm, causing Klaus to laugh.

"Half vampire, half werewolf," Klaus repeated to clarify, anticipating that this information might not be well-received due to Keira's dislike of vampires, with Elijah being the sole exception.

Keira remained quiet for a moment before responding, her gaze meeting Klaus' as she looked back at him, clearly processing the information he had just revealed to her.

Indeed, despite not actively hating Rebekah, Keira still kept her guard around the vampire due to her overall distrust and dislike of the species as a whole.

Klaus waited for Keira's reaction, expecting her to show some hostility towards him after revealing his vampire/werewolf ancestry. However, surprisingly enough, she didn't seem to be upset and simply smiled at him. She even took his hand and placed it on her cheek, expressing her fondness of his touch.

"Different, but nice feeling," she said with a smile, "Big Wolf is warm." Klaus felt the tightness of her grip on his hand, which felt pleasant, as Keira found comfort in his warmth and touch.

Klaus froze for a moment as Keira expressed her fondness for his touch. She not only had called him "Big Wolf" once again but had also said, "Big Wolf is warm."

This was a novel experience for him, as he was rarely on the receiving end of such affection and praise, which left him rather taken aback. He felt her grip around his hand tighten, and the closeness of her body to his felt pleasant and intimate.

Klaus had rarely or never encountered this feeling of acceptance, at least not since he had turned into a hybrid. He had come to expect fear and hostility, which was a far cry from Keira's amiable demeanor.

As she continued to hold onto his hand closely, Klaus felt a sense of warmth emanating from her. She seemed to accept him, and she even complimented him. This was an unusual feeling for the Original, and he could not help but feel affected by her genuine affection and fondness for him.

"I'm a monster," Niklaus whispered to Keira, trying to appear nonchalant and smug but failing, as she could sense his true nature beneath the facade. He was desperate for acceptance and wanted someone who would understand him and not fear him.

However, she was not like most people who were immediately intimidated and wary of him. Her kindhearted and compassionate demeanor had a calming effect on him, and the gentle way she held his hand and complimented him touched something deep inside him. He was slowly starting to see her in a different light.

"Big Wolf is not a monster," Keira insisted, gently touching Klaus' face and causing him to halt for a moment.

To the Original, it felt as though time had come to a stillness as he looked at her, his gaze fixed upon her and mesmerized by her tender touch.

"You think so?" Klaus whispered to her, his voice holding a hint of awe and disbelief.

"Yes," Keira confirmed with a nod, her hands still cupping his face as she continued to gaze at him intently.

Klaus couldn't help but be moved by her words of reassurance and her gentle touch. The fact that someone saw him in such a positive light, despite everything he had done and become, meant more than he could ever express.

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