chapter fourteen

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The Original family members found it to be a relatively difficult process, to come to terms and accept Finn, given his previous actions and misconducts

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The Original family members found it to be a relatively difficult process, to come to terms and accept Finn, given his previous actions and misconducts.

The oldest brother remained silent and kept to himself, despite the familial banter, and the attempts by others to involve him in the interaction.

With Finn having lost his memories, the Mikaelson's found themselves incapable of simply brushing the entire matter aside, and casting him aside.

Additionally, they were fully aware that they did not possess the capability to do such a thing, given Keira's present status as Guardian and their intent on avoiding a direct conflict and collision with her.

In contrast to their brothers and sisters, Freya maintained a comparatively calmer and composed disposition, accepting the developments, in regards to Finn and his altered memory.

The witch was currently taking the initiative and leading the eldest brother through the adjustment process to life in the present, a life that he would initially find himself lost and unfamiliar with.

As the Original family members conversed and interacted with each other on the same floor, Keira took a moment to simply observe and take in the whole environment from her vantage point, as the balcony provided her with a unique perspective.

Kol engaged in lighthearted banter and interaction with his other siblings, reuniting with them after his demise.

The young Guardian could clearly take note of the various interactions the family members engaged in and witnessed the reunion of the siblings after such a long period of separation.

Niklaus made his exit from the interaction with his siblings, choosing instead to retreat in favor of having a private talk with the Guardian.

The Original vampire ascended upstairs, approaching Keira's current location, as he made his way over to her side.

With their proximity, the two Originals would inevitably find themselves connected in some capacity, a connection that could be perceived and felt by both individuals involved, " It's a little strange Little Wolf, this feeling"

Niklaus expressed his discomfort and confusion at the sensation, as he admitted the unfamiliarity of the experience.

Keira chuckled and displayed amusement at her brother's expression, finding his reaction to be both amusing and endearing.

The Guardian's teasing attitude was evident as she employed the nickname she had used to address her older brother, "Big Wolf," while her tone also carried an underlying and playful element.," It's the imprinting that does it, I would say—I think you have feelings for me" Niklaus offered no verbal response at the insinuation that he possessed feelings and emotions towards her, simply providing a playful roll of his eyes, a display of his own teasing and whimsical nature.

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