Chapter 12

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By now I felt SO drawn to Gabriel. I always wanted to be with him, and when he wasnt there, I was always thinking about him. My physical, emotional and mental all wanted one person. And that was Gabriel Artic.

Did I know why? Perhaps.

My hands quivered as I waited for Cali to walk into my room. I felt bad for not telling her that there is something between Gabriel and I.

I breathed slowly as I heard the knock on my door and Cali's beautiful grin as she walks in, "hey, Gabriel told me to go see you, said something about 'ahh what do I wear?!'" She chuckles and sits beside me on the bed.

I sigh and fidget with my fingers, that has been a long term problem and I need to fix it.

"Is everything okay Dawn?" Cali looks at me, her hand on my shoulder.

I shake my head yes, "its j-just," I breath, "i-it's nothing, I need to know what to wear to-omorrow."

"For what?"

"I d-don't know, I just want to l-look nice tomorrow."

We go to my closet Cali picks out a long sleeved black dress that stuck to my curves quite well. The dress went from to my mid thigh. I had gained a lot of weight since I've been her. I've been here for a week and a half and gained about 20-25 pounds. I looked a lot healthier. And curvier.

Cali pulls out her phone and continues to text. Then puts it down to grab a pair of black heeled boots that went just above my knee.

"Okay. Done," she smiled, she looks down at my neck and picks up my necklace, "where did you get this?" She spoke quietly.

"Gabriel gave it to me at his Alpha Celebration? Why?"

"Just wondering," the mood faltered around us, it felt stiff and awkward.

Cali let's go of the necklace and walks out of my room. What happened?


Gabe came into my room and engulfed me into the biggest hug I've ever had. I felt his warmth against my body.

By now all the cuts and bruises he had from that fight had healed. Gabriel had been gone for most of the day. And of course nobody tells me why.

I breath in his deep sent of cologne, it putting me in a daze. I look up at him as he smiles down at me, "want to grab supper?"


We walk down to the kitchen and grab some supper.

The day went by fast, faster then the rest. I seen Layla for a brief second before she went in the car with Leo. I hadn't seen Cali at all anywheres and I've basically been walking around the house by myself.

I needed the time with Gabriel, I felt so alone.

I inhaled as we started making something to eat. He looked really nice cooking food. I stopped for a second to take in his features.

When he smiled he had small dimples beside his lips, his eyes crinkled in just a way that not only was his lips were smiling, but his eyes as well. He had a light blush on his cheeks all the time, his skin about as dark as mine should have been. His hands, big, boney, but not deathly boney.

His posture was amazing, he rarely slouched, if ever. He had wide manly shoulders, his chest was just wo-


The thing I had been cooking, once rice, but now burning rice.

Gabriel chuckles and grabs some water and puts it on the burning rice. Long enough so he could put the cover onto it and throw it outside.

Great job Dawn, now he thinks you're a terrible cook.

He comes back inside chuckling with the pot in his hands, "your reaction was priceless."

I blushed a deep red and turned my
face away from him so he couldn't see. I hold my breath.

He puts a hand on my shoulder and pulls me into a hug, he was hugging me from behind. His huge arms wrapping around me, his warmth engulfing me life fire. He layed his head on my shoulder. Every place he touches leaves tingling numbness throughout my body.

This did not help my blush.

"Why do you have to be so cute?" I am losing oxygen. Oh my god. My blush deepened and my face felt like it was going to explode.

"I-" SAY SOMETHING!? "I dont know," great job Dawn, you let us all down.

He chuckles letting go of me and continuing to cook the rest of the things we had.

Why the hell does he get to distract me so much but I don't do that to him?

After we ate we went up to my room and played a card game. I have no sweet clue what we were playing. But it was definitely a card game.

"Uno!" Gabriel says.

"What? What is a 'uno'?"

Gabriel chuckles explaining it to me.

Leo opens the door,  "hey Dawn... hey Gabriel?"

"What is it Leo?" Gabe growls, clearly getting annoyed already. What is everyone's problem today?

"I need to tell you something important and Cali needs to talk to you."

"Can it wait for tomorrow?" He hisses. I set my hand on his thigh, he looks at me, his annoyed expression softening.

"The thing I need to tell you cannot wait until tomorrow, I don't know about Cali."

Gabriel walks out. And in a split second walks back in, anger flowing through him noticeably.

"Are you okay? What's going on?" At the sound of my voice his fists open, and the vein in his neck is not popping.

"Nothing of your concern," he almost hissed at me but stopped himself.  "Do you want to go to bed?"


"Could you sleep with me tonight?" He asks gently.

"Yes," I smile.

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