Chapter 13

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I snuggled up into him in his room. I was going to fall asleep any moment now.

His arms were holding me like a hug. I buried my face into his chest, and wrapped my arms around him like a hug as well.

His warmth spread against my cold body. He moved my hair out of my face, I could feel his eyes on me as i had mine closed.

My body spread with tingling numbness, my stomach full of butterflies. My body quivering.

Was Gabriel.. my... mate?

Then, into a deep sleep I drifted.


"STOP! STOP! LET HER GO!"  Gabriel shouted as two men held him by the arms, my father doing the same to me throwing me back into the wretched cell.

"You can't do this!" Gabriel growled. "Shes mine."

"To bad," my father's voice boomed as he walked up the stairs closing the door behind him, I no longer able to hear what was happening.

Is Gabriel okay? I needed to know. I got up and looked up at the door. I screamed and cried for what felt like hours.

A little girl walked by holding keys, "I know I shouldn't do this, but you have a life to live," she spoke, she was no older then 15 years old.

She opened my cell, I gave her a huge hug, thanking her I opened the door.


I woke up screaming. My father traumatized me, tears rolling down my cheeks. My screaming came to a halt when I shot up out of bed with my eyes open.

Gabriel put his arm around me, "are you okay?" He lays me back down.

"Now I am," I snuggle into him, falling back asleep.


I woke up and Gabriel was gone. Most of the pack was gone actually. Nobody was here.

"Hello?" I called through the hallways. It just echoed. I was completely alone.

Was this another life-like dream?

I walked up to my room and got into the shower skipping breakfast. I miss Gabriel. A lot.

He was so warm last night, so comforting, so safe. Where is he?

When I got out of the shower I put on some spandex shorts and a tank top. I don't know why, but I was just drawn to them. It was my first pick in my mind.

Then, I walked into the woods.

I felt a pull in the woods, the longer I walked in there, the stronger the pull and the more my brain told me to turn around. But I kept walking forward.

As the grass brushed my ankles in the distance I see my old house. And what does it look like? Empty.


Because everyone is outside of it in their wolf forms fighting. Some laid limp because they were hurt to bad. Others died.

I seen Layla, her wolf a nice a regular brown, a long with Leo's wolf a darker shade then Laylas. Cali's would was the darkest brown, almost black.

And in the corner of my eye, I caught the darkest of black wolves in the world. His fur as black as the night itself. Long, silky. Gabriel.

You could tell because he was far bigger then everyone else, his stance powerful and leaderlike. Also, his damned blue eyes stayed the same. Deep, and deadly.

Gabriel had been on top of my father fighting him, Gabriel had been winning. Every claw mark, every ripped skin and hair, every whimper that came from my father made me want to sink further and further back into the woods.

That's when Gabriel smelt me. And I smelt him too.

His sent was manly, like the strong cologne, except Gabriel doesn't wear cologne. It smelt almost like a spice, but it was far manlier.

I felt the air escape my lungs when him and I made eye contact. And that's when my father took that chance and leaped on to Gabriel, attacking him.

I screamed out Gabriel's name to try to warn him but it was to late, Gabriel was already being held by two men, and my father was already nearing me as I kept taking steps backwards. They all turned human again.

I stopped breathing, panic rising up in me. My head becoming dizzy. My eyes going foggy, my legs wobbly and giving out.

My father's tight grip around my arm made me yelp out in pain as he basically dragged me towards the house. And I finally realize, that this was like my dream last night.

I look at my father, he looks tired, bags under his dark brown eyes. His brown hair turning grey, he needed to shave.

"DON'T TOUCH HER! DON'T TOUCH HER! I'LL KILL YOU!" Gabriel squirmed in the men's arms. He throws me in the cell, shutting it. Gabriel screaming at him.

"You can't do that. She's mine." Gabriel locks eyes with my father.

"To bad," my father deadpans. Then closes the door.

I scream, and scream and scream, but I am not heard. I could still smell Gabriel's sent. He must still be okay if I can still smell him.

I hear steps going down the stairs, I had better hearing.

I gripper the bars getting mad, a girl approached me with keys in her hand. She was young, brown eyes, blonde hair, "I shouldn't do this, but you have a life to live." She unlocks the door.

I give her a quick hug and a thank you rushing up the the stairs. Hearing clearly what was going to happening behind the door.

"You knew the plan Gabriel. How come you didn't follow it?" My father hissed.

"Because she's mine," you could hear Gabriel struggle. The rest of the pack fighting behind him. The plan?

"Just like your damned father Gabriel. I thought you would have learned from your families mistakes." My father walked around Gabriel in a taunting pace.

"You know what happened to your parents Gabriel. Do you want that to happen to you? Or your adopted sister, Accalia?" My father hissed.

"It was you who murdered them!?" Gabriel struggled more.


Gabriel's parents? Murdered?

Was all of this my father's doing?

I opened the door.

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