Chapter 16

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"Hey," I smiled at Cali as she motioned for me to come inside her room. She looked exhausted, upset and mad.

Her once clean room was a mess, a mess of clothes, a mess of old food plates, things were most definitely thrown around. Why was she upset?

I sat down on her stripped bed, "are you okay?"

"Honestly no," her voice breaks, as she looks down on the floor she sits down on the bed beside me.

"What's wrong?"

"A lot of things I guess," she sighs, "I have-had a mate, he-um, rejected me because we grew up together and he didn't like me like that." A tear rolls down her cheeks, "and today was the day he rejected me, it's been a year," no she was crying like no tomorrow.

I pull her into a hug, a loving hug.

"Why do you smell like my brother?" Cali's head shot up quickly.

"Cali-I um-"

"Don't be like the rest of the girls in the pack Dawn, you're better then that," Cali sighs loudly.

"Cali, I have something to tell you," I pause, "it's better if it came from me then someone else," I shrug.

"What is it?"

"Gabriel and I are mates."

She stopped, looked up at me, her face went from being upset to a huge smile on her face, "I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!" She shouted.

I covered my ears as she had a little screaming spule. Then she stops, "I knew it because I was there when we found you," she smiled, "it was more of a guess, but when Gabriel found you, no one was aloud to touch you, or be around you. Unless it was me," she gave me a toothy smile.

"You knew? Why didn't you say anything to me? How come you told me not to be like everyone else in the pack?"

"I think you should have found out yourself, plus it was an assumption. And I said that because I didn't know for sure you guys were mates and I had hoped if you weren't then you wouldn't get tangled up with him," she laughs. "But after you've had your mate, you understand what it looks like when other people have mates. You can tell who is mated and who's not."

"I guess so," I shrug smiling, "do you feel better?"

"Now that you're going to be my sister-in-law of course!" She smiles.

"Do you want to clean your room?" I look around chuckling.

"Yeah, I've been living in a pigsty," she smiles, "let's get cleaning!"


Eventually it was four in the afternoon, Cali and I were mostly done with her room, but we decided to take a break.

We walk downstairs into the dining room where everyone was at. Leo, Layla, Gabriel, Calis cousin Spartan, and a couple other girls from the pack.

One of those girls in particular had their hand on Gabriel talking to him. Rune. I stride over to them and peel her hand off of him and sat down on his lap glaring at her.

"Um excuse me? Who do you think you are?" Her high pitched voice screwed with my hearing. Her now obviously bleach blonde hair in a stringy ponytail rolling side to side. Her fake nails clinking on the table.

I lean in closer to her, Gabriel behind us, his hand found my back leaving shivers going up it. He started making little circles making me squirm because it tickled.

"I'm his mate. So leave," I commended.

"Well so am I," she crossed her arms.

"I am not playing a game woman," I narrow my eyes at her growling. Why was I acting like this? I really wanted to rip her throat out, right here, right now. "I am his Mate. Now leave."

Gabriel chuckles listening to our conversation, the rest of the people in the room having their own little conversations, it was pretty loud in here so her and I could get away with this bickering.

"He hasn't bonded with you so he's still up for grabs."

I roll my eyes and look at a Gabriel, 'tell her we are mates.'

His eyes grew bigger, "you just mind spoke that's awesome! That was your first time!"

'Tell her we are mates." I was not going to be happy until this bitch left him alone.

"We are mates," Gabriel looks over at the girl.

"But there is no mark on her neck," she whined, "you guys haven't bonded."

"We are going to do that properly on our own terms, but until then, you need to back off because Dawn is getting pretty heated."

"Whatever," Rune rolls her eyes and walks out of the dining room, I look over at Gabriel, he smiles at me. My heart flutters.

We join the conversation with Leo, Layla, Spartan and Cali. Gabriel puts his hand on my thigh and I mentally smile for him always having to touch me.

As the conversation went on, there was clearly something between Spartan and Layla. A bat of an eye lash, a touch on his arm here, a touch of his arm there.

And he didn't mind, instead Spartan would smile at her, the same smile Gabriel gives me. Are they mates?

Cali said when you got your mate you can tell who others mates are by the way they act towards eachother. So that leaves me with the question, are they mates?

And who is Cali's mate? Now that I think about it.

This is just confusing.


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