Chapter 7 "prophecy"

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Have you ever met someone for the first time, but in your heart you feel as if you've met them before?
JoAnne Kenrick

Have you ever met someone for the first time, but in your heart you feel as if you've met them before?JoAnne Kenrick

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Kattegat Ivar was happy, for the first time in a while, Ivar was truly happy

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Ivar was happy, for the first time in a while, Ivar was truly happy. He won the battle for Kattegat, he was a king now. One thing that didn't make him so enthusiastic was the fact that Largheta has escaped him once again. However he couldn't bother about her, Ivar knew that she wouldn't run forever also Norway is not big, there's no way of escaping him. Ivar already had in his mind the way he will kill her. The boy hated Christians, however thanks to them he learned how to read* and he had to admit, both Christians and Romans had nice way of dealing with enemies.
It was hard to admit for him but Ivar admired them a little. His storm of thoughts was stoped after he heard someone calling "ships on the horizon!"
As fast as he could, Ivar went to see what was going on. He recognised sigils right away.
Uncle Rollo, how lovely.
He thought.
What Ivar didn't know that in few hours he's live will change forever.
I fucking hate sea travel.
Josephine thought. During the journey, that lasted for a week, she already got sea sick five times, she had to eat cold soup and Rollo was annoying as ever, with his loud ass voice, telling her stories of his childhood. Josephine couldn't care less about the fact, that he killed someone at age of eleven. She couldn't give a damn about Nordic gods, or the damn old Norse. Josephine was half Swedish for heavens sake, she understood some words.
"I see land!"
One of the knights shouted.
Josephine thought as she run to the edge of the ship to see land.
"How long till we reach the shore?"
She asked.
"Around four hours m'a lady."
"Thank you sir-"
"Rodrick madam."
"Thank you sit Rodrick"
Four hours and I'm going to be on the land, four more hours of this torture."
When Josephine left the boat and stood on a stable ground, she wanted to kiss the soil she was standing on. After a week of a travel and the fact that she had to endure lack of bath, Josephine was finally standing on the land.
"Uncle Rollo!"
She heard familiar voice.
Josephine saw two men hug and then the eyes of the younger one laid on her.
"Josie you made it!"
He said and wrapped her in a warm hug. Josephine was glad for Hvitserek, because he haven't ignored her or didn't send her weird looks like majority of people in Kattegat did already.
"Well brother you didn't tell me you met a woman in France."
Someone said with deep, mocking voice.
When Hvitserek let her go, she saw a young, handsome man with eyes big and blue like the ocean, one thing that also haven't went unnoticed by her was that he stood, supporting himself on crutches.
He saw her looking at his legs and he send her a warning glare, to which she replied with warm smile. Not a mocking smile, but the one smile that said "I won't hurt you."
"Ivar this is Josephine, my wife's sister. Josephine this is Ivar my nephew."
Said Rollo.
"Hello you are Ivar! Hvitserek told me that you have great mind and can make amazing battle plans."
Ivar looked at her, surprised and with hint of curiosity in his eyes.
"Josephine you must be the one who came with idea of trade route between Kattegat and France."
Her name on his tongue sounded so well, like his voice was fit to say it.
Josephine had no idea but Ivar was also thinking of how his name sounds in her mouth.
"Yes it's me, did you make a decision about this yet?"
Nobody noticed but corners of Ivar's lips twitched in slight smile. "I have made a decision, I will tell you that during a feast tomorrow."
Do they always have feasts? Yeah they have nothing better to do.
"I'm afraid we won't be able to stay this long. I just came to collect my troops."
Said Rollo.
"Uncle stay at least few days, besides some of your soldiers will need to heal before the journey."
Hvitserek said with pleading tone.
"I'll think about it, for now let's us go inside the great hall and discuss more important matters. Josephine will you be joining us?"
"Actually I wish to take a bath and rest a little. However if you want me..." she wanted to say more but Ivar stoped her.
"That's alright, let's go to the great hall and I will give you a slave to care for your needs and I will also give you a free chamber so you can rest. I promise we won't discuss trade route without you."
Ivar had no idea what came into him, but when he saw her smile, he had this feeling like he met her before.
After his words, Josephine smiled at him again and then one single star started to shine on the afternoon sky.
In Kattegat there was a small hut. Far away from the people and other houses.
In this hut, a strange man, was sleeping on the ground.
His dream wasn't pleasant.
He saw blood, misery, pain and death and all of this was coming for two people. Miserable lovers. The love that the highest power already planned, even before two lovers could meet. Him, born under the star of the king, will have hard choice. She, born under two stars, the star of traveller and star of a queen, will also have to choose. Two difficult choices and each will worse ending possible.
Man suddenly woke up. His nightmare ended just before he could see what will happen at the end. The man screamed after he stopped he spoke, his voice old and scratchy.
"Gods why have you told me this and why haven't you show me the end of their journey."
The man didn't got an answer, instead outside on the sky, one star started shining more bright than others. The star of love.

*i made Ivar someone who can read in this fanfiction because 1)I need him to know how to read for future chapters 2)he's one of the smartest Vikings, he obviously knows how to read.

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