Chapter one

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Three days ago I was told that I had to move to Beacon Hills, California

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Three days ago I was told that I had to move to Beacon Hills, California. Tomorrow I will be at a new school without my best friend. Hamish and I have been friends since preschool and I don't know how i'm going to live with out him.

I just finished packing a few minutes ago and my mum is packing up the car with all the stuff that hadn't been put in the moving van. I hadn't been able to say goodbye to Hamish yet and I honestly didn't want to.

Suddenly I hear a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in !" I yell and the door opens to reveal a sad looking Hamish.

"When were you going to say goodbye?" He asked me.

"I don't know, I didn't know how to,"

"Maybe you don't have to go, maybe you can stay at my place, we could-"
I cut him off before he could finish "Hamish I have to go,"
"Fine, but you have to come back during school breaks and the holidays," Hamish whined.

"Okay, deal," I agreed and went in for our super secret hand shake then a hug. We continued to hug until my mom called for me to get in the car. I pealed away from Hamish and said my final goodbyes.

[time skip]

It was dark out and I had passed the time by playing 'Grave Punchers' on my phone. My mom looked over at me with a sad smile on her face. "Honey, I know you aren't exactly excited about the move but it will be good for us to get away from West Chester for a bit, you couldn't learn anything in that environment,"

I looked back to my mom, "what ever you say mom." I then turn my head back down to my phone.

"Randy, I know it's been tough for you since your father died, but i'm really trying to put the accident behind us and move one." She looks at me for a second with sadness in her eyes. I look down at my feet,"I know that i'm not your actual mom but-"

I quickly look up and cut her off, "never say that, you will always be my mom, the woman that gave birth to me didn't care about me, you did. You raised, she just left me and dad, that woman isn't my mother, you are."

She turned her head to me and smiled, tears brimming at the edge of her brown eyes, threatening to spill over the edge. "Thank you sweetie,". Silently she turned her head back to the road.

For the rest of the ride to Beacon Hills all I could think about was my mother, not my mom, but the woman that gave birth to me then left. I sometimes wonder what she was like, if I looked like her, did she even remembers me, and why did she leave. I knew nothing about her I didn't even know her name. The only one that knew who she was, was my dad. But he's dead now and he never told me who she was.
Third POV:

It was an hour after Scott had gone up against Kate Argent and her berserkers, and to say Scott was tired would be an understatement. But of course Stiles had to have a freak out session with Scott about the missing $117 million that was just stolen from the Hale vault, and since Stiles had followed Scott home Scott had no choice but to listen.

Stiles went of on a tangent about why someone would want the Hale's money and how they knew about it. While going of on his rant Stiles went over to the window and looked out of it.

"Yo dude, I think your new neighbours are moving in." Stiles said while pointing out the window.

"Oh cool, let me see," Scott says nudging past Stiles. "Why do you think they got here so late at night." Scott asks.

"Maybe they were the ones that robbed the Hale vault!" Stiles yells.

"Or maybe they just use to live far away and it took them a long time to get here, plus they couldn't have robbed the Hale's, they only just got here." Scott said looking at Stiles with a lopsided grin.

"Yeah, yeah, or that" Stiles says slightly glaring at Scott for bursting his bubble.

Scott then looked down at the clock which read 2:00am. "Stiles you need to go, it's 2 am and we have school tomorrow," Scott said while shooing Stiles out his bedroom door.

Stiles sticks his arms out so stays in the middle of Scott's doorframe, "ok, I'll go if you promise to tell me if your new neighbours partake in any suspicious behaviour," Scott gave Stiles a blank look before pushing him out of the doorway and closing the door behind him. "Or not." Stiles says before leaving the McCall residents.

Randy POV:
I was exhausted, I mean who could blame me. I was up until 4 am last night unpacking and now i have to go to school. "Hurry up Randy you're going to be late," Mom calls from downstairs.

Randy slumps out of bed and to the kitchen. "Mom do I have to go to school, I mean we only just got here," I whine to my mother.

"Sorry honey but you've already missed one day and I will not let you miss another." She stays sternly while handing me some toast with honey on it.

"But mom-"

She cuts me of before I can make my case, "no buts, I don't want you failing any classes this semester, we are here for clean start and I'll be damned if you fall behind before your first day." And that was the end of that discussion. "Now go get you bag." She says pointing towards my bedroom.

I quickly shove the rest of my toast into my mouth before running into my bedroom. I sling my bag over my shoulder and walk back to the kitchen.

"I see you're finally ready to go, now hop in the car while I get the keys." Following my mom's instructions I head out to the car my mom close behind.

My mom pulls up to the school. "So you know the rules, pay attention in class, don't get into fights, no drugs, no alcohol, and most importantly no sex."

"Mom!" I yell in disgust. "I'm still in the 'all girls have cooties' phase," I whine.

"That's my baby boy," she says as she pinches my cheeks. I try swotting her away but to no avail.

"Mom I have to go now." I say as she stops stretching my cheeks. I rub my hand on my cheeks trying to rub the red splotches away.

"Okay okay, but one kiss before you go," she says while pointing to her cheek.

"Fine," I groan before leaning over and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. Before she can say anything I quickly jump out the car and yell goodbye then walk up to the front of school.

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