Chapter eight

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My ears ring and all I see is darkness

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My ears ring and all I see is darkness. Duct tape binds my hands and feet together. Slowly my eyes adjust and I realise i'm in the trunk of a car. I hear talking outside, I try to make it out clearer. It's Garrett. "Yeah, you will. But, that's not going to get you Liam and Randall back. You're going to have to put in a little more effort than that." Who is he talking to? "I want the money, and Violet. Or, you never see Liam or Randall again." Wait where is Liam why isn't he Berea? Is he okay?

"You think I want you talking to anyone with a badge? I'm not getting help from a Werewolf because I want him to talk to someone." He's talking to Scott! "They're transferring Violet to a federal facility. You're not gonna let that happen. They're going to put her in a car. We're going to follow it. We get ahead of it, you stop it." I can't let Scott, I need to get out of here now. Trying to break the tape is useless, so I try to kick open the boot.

"You're an Alpha, if you can't stop one little car, then two little freshman are going to die. I stabbed your boy Liam with a blade dipped in wolfsbane. This is how it's going to go, you bring the money and I'll bring Randall, then we all get Violet together. In fact I hear Randall right now," I freeze. "Guess he's awake. I better go check on him. You have one hour to decide Scott." I hear foot steps getting closer to the car. My heart rate rapidly increases knowing this isn't going to end well for me.

The trunk opens to reveal Garrett looking down at me with a smug expression. "Hey Randy, want to catch up." He says before yanking me out of the car. He sits me down on a chair in the middle of an abandoned warehouse. He ties me to the chair with a bit of robe.

"Why are you doing this Garrett, why are you killing people?" I ask trying to distract him so I can think of an escape plan.

Garrett looks at me. "Uhhh, you forget Randall. They're not people, they're monsters." Looks at me trying to see my reaction. It seems he got what he was looking for. "You don't know, do you?" He asks curiously.

"Know what." I question, glaring daggers at Garrett.

Garrett shakes his head. "And ruin the surprise?" He says with a smug smile on his face. "Sorry I can't do that. But how about we talk about how you found yourself mixed up in this business."

"Well I was on a run with Liam then you kidnapped us both," I state with a hint of sass.

"Oh, you're funny, but you know what I mean, was it the night in the hospital when Liam got bit, or better yet, did your werewolf dad tell you." My heart sinks at the mention of my dad. "Oh, he never told you, he didn't trust his bastard son to keep his little secret."

I've had enough of his bull shit. "Shut up!" I yell loudly.

"Did I hit a nerve? Are your feeling hurt? do you want to cry?" He says mockingly. I glare up at him. He looks down at his wrist. "Oh, it's almost time to meet Scott, we best get going."

Garrett ended up shoving back into the trunk of his car and we drove off to meet Scott.

The car comes to a jolting stop causing me to roll painfully around in the trunk. "Garrett, i'm here, I've done what you've asked where's Randy?" I hear Scott yell.

There's a bit of shuffling outside the car. "He's right here." I hear Garrett say before opens the boot. Garrett steps back as Scott rushes forward and helps me out of the trunk. He rips the duct tape from my hands and feet.

"Are you alright?" He asks, frantically looking to see if i'm injured.

"Yeah i'm fine, i'm more worried about Liam." I say, Scott nods his head in agreement.

"Garrett this isn't going to works." Scott yells over to Garrett.

"You just worry about stoping the car I'll handle everything else." Garrett says. "Now get in, we've got a car to stop." Garrett says hoping into the drivers seat of his car. Scott and I follow.

We drive down the route the transport vehicle was supposed to take but we hadn't seen it yet. Suddenly Scott starts yelling. "Stop! Stop the car!" The car comes to a holt. In the middle of the road was a turned over transport vehicle with two people on the ground. Scott quickly ran out of the car and over to the two men on the ground. "Dad!" He yells while running to them.

Garrett and I get out of the car and he whips out his lacrosse stick. I run over to Scott and the two men. One seems to be unconscious while the other is injured. Scott turns to Garrett. "She's not in the car! Violet's gone!"

"Scott, listen to me... They're still here... They're still here..." The man rasps out.

"What's still here?" I ask frantically.

Scott sniffs the ear and a look of dread spreads across his face. "Berserkers." He breaths out.

"What are berserkers?" I immediately regret asking that question when I see one approach Garrett. It had armour made of bones and the faint smell of death wafts off of it and in to my nose.

Garrett stands in a fighting position as the creature slowly approaches him. "You want me? Come on! Come and get me!" Garrett yells. Garrett furiously yet skilfully starts to wave his stick around in attempts to intimidate the beast. "Come and get me! Yeah, that's right! You're not so big! You're not so big!" The creature backs off slightly but another comes up behind Garrett and I pales him. The creature lifts Garrett into the air before dropping his lifeless body to the ground.

Scott runs forward to try and take on the berserkers but is immediately hit to the ground unconscious. "Scott!" I yell out, which was a big mistake because it gained the attention of the berserkers. I stood still and held my breath as one slowly approaches me. I can hear my heart beating in my ears. It tilts it's head as it looks at me as if it were measuring up to see if i'm a threat. It's so close now that I can feel it's hot breath on my fave, but I dare not to move in fear of having the same fate as Garrett. It sniffs me for a few seconds before stepping back. The berserk grunts at its counterpart and they walk of together.

I release the breath I was holding and collapse to the ground in relief. I look to my side and see the sherif and who I assume is Scott's unconscious father. "We need to get you two to the hospital," I say to the sherif, then I look over to Scott. "And him to the Wizard Vet," I say referring to Deaton. The sherif nods. I call 911 and say there's been an accident then I get Deatons number of the Sheirf.

I dial in a the number. "Hey Doc, it's Randall here. Just calling to let you know that Scott's been stabbed by a berserker," I hear Deaton groan on the other end of the phone.

"Of course he has, Chris argent will be by soon to pick you two up and get you here." Deaton says before hanging up. True to his word, Chris arrived five minutes later, luckily before the emergency services arrived. We get Scott in the car and quickly drive off to the animal clinic.

That was an existing chapter.
Anyway I have a goal to get 69 votes by the time I reach 420 views it would be great if you could help me out with my "ultimate nice goal" so please vote :)

Also won't be updating tomorrow because it's my b-day and also during the weekend because I have a school assignment due on Monday.

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