Chapter twelve

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I stood in the operating room of the animal clinic with Scott and Deaton

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I stood in the operating room of the animal clinic with Scott and Deaton. "Deaton, how can I be a werejaguar? Shouldn't I be a werewolf like my dad? You said since I hadn't turned when I was 13 or 14 I wouldn't turn at all" I ask.

"Not necessarily. It's rare but I've heard about a phenomenon where a child of a werewolf and another supernatural creature, in Randall's class a werejaguar, is born human. The child would be almost completely human, but around the age of transition in a werewolf they will become what ever creature the parent they come into contact with first is." Deaton explains. "Randall, how long ago did your father die?" Deaton asks.

"Two, so before it would of started." I state. "That's why i'm not a werewolf." Then suddenly the implications of what this means hits me. "Does this mean that my mother is..." I trail off not wanting to say her name.

"Unless you know of any other werejaguars, than yes. Kate Argent is your mother." Deaton says.

Well shit. "Randall, you're nothing like her. When you gain more control you won't have to worry about hurting people." Scott says trying to reassure me.

"Didn't you say that Kate had no control at all. What if that means that I won't have any control?" I question, panic evident on my face. "I don't want what happened at the lab again."

"Randy, that wasn't you that was the drug." Scott says.

"But what if it was me." I say. I didn't want to be a monster. "I don't want to be like her." I whisper.

"You won't be, you just need to control the shift." Scott says reassuringly. Suddenly Scott's phone goes off. He pulls it out of his pocket. "You can learn how to control the shift at Derek's loft, he's there with Stiles and deputy Parish, apparently Parrish was set on fire and is completely fine." Scott says after reading the text from Derek.


When we arrived we saw Parrish on the couch next to Lydia and Derek was standing up. "He covered you in gasoline?" Derek asks Parrish.

"It's the hair and nails, isn't it? The parts of the body that are essentially dead." Lydia says.

"Well, they should be gone." Derek states.

"I was set on fire! All of me should be gone." Parrish says worried.

"Not if you're like us..." Scott says announcing his presence to the group. Derek looks at me weirdly.

"Like you?" Parrish questions.

"I don't think he's like us..." Derek says bringing his attention back to the conversation and away from me.

"Then what is he?" I ask, contributing to the conversation.

"Sorry, but I have no idea." Derek says a little bewildered.

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