Chapter two

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After about ten minutes of walking around the school I finally found the main office

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After about ten minutes of walking around the school I finally found the main office. I walk up to the lady at the desk and politely ask for my timetable and locker combination.

I look down at my timetable and see I have history first with Mr Yukimura in room 54. So after another ten minutes I finally found it. Three seconds after I laid eyes on the door the bell rang. Perfect timing. I think to myself.

I quickly hurry into the classroom and see that half the seats are already taken, so I take a seat next to a kid with dark skin who looked like he couldn't stop smiling. As soon as I sit down he turns to me, smiles, even more than before, and introduces himself, "hi, are you new here? My names Mason."

"Uh yeah, i'm Randy," I say giving him a small smile in return. We ended up talking until the final bell went and the lesson began. When class was over i found out Mason and I share a lot of classes together. Sadly my next class was maths which I didn't have with Mason, but we both have science before lunch. So he asked if I would like to have lunch with him and his friends.

Skip to lunch (to lazy to even write snippets of maths and science):

Mason lead me to the cafeteria were he and his friends ate lunch. Once we went through the doors Mason walked to a table near the back of the cafeteria. Three people were already sitting there, one girl and two boys.

"Hey guys," said Mason when he arrived at the table. The three turned to face him. They then noticed me standing next to him. Mason noticed and introduced me. "Oh yeah this is Randy, he's new." He finally said.

I'd did a slight wave mixed with a awkward smile. "Hi,".

"Oh, Randy, these are Garret, Liam, and Violet," Mason said while pointing to each of them while saying their names. Mason and I sat down, Mason sat next to Liam on one side while I sat next to Garret on the other.

"So Randy, where are you from?" Violet asked slightly tilting her head to one side in a curious yet charming manner.

"A small town called West Chester, it's in Pennsylvania." I say giving the group a lopsided grin.

"Any ways, Randy have you ever played lacrosse, Garret and Liam play and are going down to the field soon to practice," I immediately put on a sour face of disgust.

"No, not much of a sporty person, my PE teacher from my old school kind of made every sport a living nightmare. He once crossed cross country with dodgeball, he would throw dodge balls at the slower kids to get them to go faster" I say cringing at the memory of getting hit in the nards by a lose dodgeball. The others at the table found the story far more amusing than I did though.

"Yeah, don't give coach Finstock any ideas. You should come to practice. It isn't anything official, it's just a little bit of practice before the tryouts. You should give it a shot then decided if you want to tryout." Garret says while standing up to go, Liam also stands up.

"Sure why not, I mean what's the worst that could happen."
Apparently i'm really good at lacrosse. I managed to score a few times and i'm also pretty good in goal. Which is very surprising saying that I really hate any form of physical activity.

So after practice Garret, Liam, and I where getting changed. Liam was taking a while so Garret left but I stayed behind because he was in my next class and I had no idea where it was.

Just as Liam had finished getting changed two guys approached us. "Hey, Liam and Randall," The spastic one said, "wanna explain what that was out there?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Liam asked very confused.

"That little display. Your little circus act." The guy finished expecting us to understand his cryptic message.

"What circus act?" I ask all we did was play lacrosse, well I hope I was playing lacrosse.

"You two caught every shot," said the guy with the uneven jawline said to the both of us.

"I may be new to this sport but i'm pretty sure that's what goalies are supposed to do," I say with a duh tone behind my voice.

"Yeah, but not a single shot got past you both." Scott exclaimed. I was still completely confused behind the purpose of this conversation.

"Yeah, we were in goal." I say, trying to get the message through their obviously thick scales.

Liam decides to budge in by asking "you guys play this game before?" That almost made me laugh.

"You two are freshman, right?" Scott asks. We both nod. "But you weren't here last semester."

"I moved here last night," I answer at the same time Liam answers with, "I transferred from Davenfored Prep."

"You transferred?" Scott asks Liam and he nods. "No you didn't, you got kicked out didn't you." Scott says as if he finally cracked the big scobby case of the week.

"Alright, what's the difference kicked, transferred same thing." Liam says visibly getting angry. He quickly calmed himself down. "Look, I came here to join the team and from what I've you could use a few good players."

Stiles immediately shot Liam's idea down, "uhh, no we don't,"

Scott was not so sure about what Stiles thought, "I mean I guess we did lose a bunch of our best players over the past year"

Stiles looked at Scott with shook before turning attention back to us. "What about you Randall, why are you here?" He asks, using my full, first name.

"Like I already said before I only just moved here." I'm starting to get very irritated by these two idiots.

"Say I believe you both, did you suddenly get better over night or are you just that good" Stiles says squinting his eyes at us.

"My stepdad trained with me. Yeah, and I guess we are just that good." Liam says getting his bag and quickly dragging me out of the locker room with him.

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