Chapter 3 (Unedited)

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"A bit to large..but better then being naked" Neal commented to himself as he examined the large t-shirt he wore. It was clear to see it was worn down a bit with constant use through many years. The shirt was very large on Neal, going halfway down his thigh while the collar of the shirt stretched from shoulder to shoulder exposing his right collar bone.

The pants were out of the question, far to large to be kept up on his waist. So he decided to not bother trying to keep them up on him. 

He had found the clothes in the bag the man had dropped, containing two outfits and a few biscuits. 

As annoying those men had been, it was rather lucky for them to drop this bag here. He simply took the clothing as compensation for disturbing his rest.

Once he finished dressing he grabbed the plants he had gathered and put them into the bag before pulling it tight. He gripped the string tightly in his hand before tossing it over his shoulder and continuing on his way. 

He didn't want to stay much longer in this uncomfortable area. He wanted to find a bed and get some proper rest. 


It wasn't to difficult to find the exit of the woods, using the footprints of the two men from earlier at least.

Taking a step outside of the woods Neal looked off towards a clear path on the ground. The path lead towards a few small cabin like buildings. It was hard to say how large they truly were due to the distance making them look no bigger then his thumb.

Deciding these little buildings were his best bet of finding a comfortable bed, he ventured on, heading down the path with a unhurried pace.


A young girl with long locks of dark hair tied back in a braid skipped along the path cheerfully as she headed towards where the berry bushes lay. Excited to taste the sweet fruit she had been waiting for a long time to become ripe enough to pluck.

Her steps slowed suddenly, the cheerful skip becoming a hesitant step forward as she noticed a strange thing laying on the path.

As she got closer she saw that this thing laying on the path was a persons body! She gasped, eyes wide as she grips the straw basket in her hands tighter.

" are you..are you okay?" She didn't want to assume this to be a dead person right off the bat. Since it was possible the person could have recently fallen from something such as sunstroke or dehydration, and was not dead. She kneels down, the baskets handle now hanging off her forearm as she reached out and placed a finger under their nose.

A warm air brushing against her finger had her instantly relaxing as she sighed in relief.

"Hey! Are you okay? Hello?" She gently shook the person after placing her hand on their shoulder. Trying to stir them awake.

As she called out to them and gently shook them, she could now look at this persons face a bit better. 

Taking in the light hair and only a large shirt on the thin body, the girl wondered, was this a pretty little girl who had been abandoned or lost? Perhaps recently escaped from a slave trader?

The looks were very pretty, almost fairy like. Even with the dirt coating her skin here and there. The big shirt was obviously a mans, their was no way this shirt belonged to this girl. Many possibilities ran through the girls head, all resulting in her heart swelling with worry and pity, along with eyes filled with endless curiosity. Left in the middle of the road coated in dirt and wearing a mans shirt, surly none of the possibilities was good! She honestly was not sure of the gender, but surely no man was this pretty, nor delicate looking. At least from what she has seen in her village!

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