Chapter 19 (Unedited)

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"So, this is the so called 'Blessed Child' Hah " An unfamiliar, clear voice, stretched across the room. Sounding masculine, yet not very deep, and youthful. You could hear a 'smile' in the voice, as if the person was amused by something.

It was the first sound Neal's ears caught as he found himself coming back to his senses. Dark purple eyes slowly open as he began processing his surroundings.

A cold, hard, concrete ground laid beneath Neal. The palms and fingers of his hands felt as if he had just stuck them into freshly fallen snow. Whatever room he was in was cool, like if you were standing in a walk in freezer. The clothing he had on barely did anything, he couldn't help but crave the comfort of an oversized sweater and four heavy blankets.

Then it could be a great place to nap.

Not that sleeping in this situation was what he was going to do. He already just broke out of that strange out of haze state he had been in. The side of his neck still stung from where her nails had dug in.

He wasn't sure if whatever was wrong with him wore off or if he got shocked out of it due to being in this cold place.

However this wasn't important right now. He needed to figure out where Azarias was. For him to not be glued to him right now was something he really was not used to. That girl better not have hurt him.

Neal moves to lift his head to look around, however an ache gently throbs inside of his head while his vision blurs. It reminded him of the times he stood up to fast and had to take a moment to regain himself.

Perhaps whatever made him so out of it is still there and he should take things a bit slower.

"This child is really  the one causing the problems?" The same voice spoke again, seeming doubtful and bored. "You merely brought him here and he couldn't handle the trip. Lillian, are the lower demons so pathetic to be afraid of a child?"

"Your Majesty! This child has lots of potential. Their is something strong inside him. Defiantly superior to those lower demons. I am sure they sensed that and that's why they come back when he is near their host body !" The familiar voice of that little girl fills Neals ears. She sounded a lot more respectful and hyped up this time somehow.

Child? Couldn't handle trip? Were they talking about Azarias? Curious and worried Neal pushed through the sludge in his brain and rose his head.

Everything was blurry. The blur that caught his attention first was a red blob.

Slowly his vision began to clear. The blob shifting to a clear outline of a tailed overcoat. It stood out vibrantly against a pair of black pants and white collared undershirt. The over coat had two golden buttons fastening it's together at the front, the tail down to his knees while the front cut off at his waist to reveal black pants. It had a deep V-neck, showing off the white collared undershirt and black tie.

Neal took in the clothing that reminded him of what a ring leader of a circus might wear. Dark purple eyes making their way up the tall, thin form to take in somewhat short, curly fridge styled dark blood red hair, a shade darker then the more vibrant colour of his tailed overcoat.

These were the things that caught his eyes first, perhaps because it was the only splash of colour in this dark, cold place.

His eyes last landed on the persons face, which was rather youthful and nice on the eyes. If he had to guess, Neal felt this person may be in their late teens or early twenties. They seemed to lean more on the masculine side, with rather well defined jawline. However he could only make out so much from where he was.

Now that the blurriness in his vision has faded he could take in the room more properly. Taking his eyes away from that figure he gave a quick glance around the room. It seemed unnecessary large, about the size of the typical high school gym. 

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