Chapter 7 (Unedited)

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" this the exit?" Neal's breath comes out in pants. He is rather winded from spending two days trying to find a way out of that room of ice, than out of the area of caves and thin pathes. He had used the egg for guidence as it had a faint glow to it in the dark. Also, it was not to heavy to carry which made things easier. However the longer he held the beautiful egg, the more strain the muscle in his arms gained. Now easily feeling them aching and begging to have what was in his hands dropped already.

At least it was benifical that after a nights rest his wounds healed a good amount. He was not sure how it worked, but it seemed that he had faster recovery then he was used to. Which helped a lot with how things have been going lately. He was not sure if he would be experiencing more unfavorable situations in the future as well. As much as one can hope for the best, he had no way of making sure things went the best way they could. How unfortunate it was he could not just simply control the world around him like one could in a lucid dream. That would make things so much easier, so much more blissful and sweet.

It was pure luck, however, that he made it out of the abandoned land. How glad he is as well. After all he has not taken a single sip of water nor a single bite of food since he had been kidnapped. Not that he didn't want to eat, rather he couldn't with the lack of any sort of life in those mountains of stone. So of course he is very excited to have better chances of finding some now, now that he was off that lifeless land.

No matter how tired, he would force himself to keep awake to at least get some water in him. How dry his mouth felt and the hot weather mixed with how much walking he had done did not help in the slightest. The faster healing of his body unable to do anything for his now chapped lips and dazed stare. A single focus on his mind as he held the egg close to himself and looks around.

He shifts the egg in his hands to a more comfortable position, his arms aching from carrying it for so long. Something like a back pack would be great right about now, he doubted he would find one just laying around here so conveniently though. Those two kidnappers had taken the little sack he had as well, so now all he had were the clothes on his back and this beautiful crystal covered egg.

"You really could just ask me to-"

"Just shut up" Neal is done dealing with this voice, from now on he felt he should just ignore it.

He continued on, the sound he had grown used to of his shoes clicking against the stone floor, now silenced by the grass under his feet.

It was not long for him to find a stream. He gently put the egg down before kneeling beside the stream and cuping some water in his hands. He brings the cool liquid to his lips, greadily guzziling it down. It tastes amazing! By far the best water he ever had, he could not help but keep drinking and drinking in-till he was satisfied. It could have been the thirst talking, but what did it matter now that his thirst was quenched.

After he finishes drinking he lays down on his back. One of his hands then stretches out to touch the egg, a sort of comfort to make sure it didn't suddenly vanish or something.

The egg is warm now, mostly due do his body heat that had been pressed against it for so long. The faint heart beat inside is easy to feel under his fingertips. How comforting it was, even though he was not sure what could possibly be inside.

"Ah..I want to sleep'' He hates all of this constant moving around, he just wants to sleep for weeks on end, only getting up to eat or use the bathroom. Now that was the life.

He sighs, rolling over onto his side and pulls the egg closer to him. Holding it pressed against his chest as he drifts off into sleep. Not a single thought crossing his mind on the wild animals in the forest. Not even a second to think about the dangers that came with falling asleep so openly in the wilderness.

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