Chapter 20 (Unedited)

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With wide eyes Neal looked down to the arm connected to the hand on his throat. His lungs barely getting any air in, as he was lifted up higher and higher in the air intill he was held above the tall man.

From this height the ground looked incredibly far away. This man seemed to be even taller then he had thought. Even if he held him at the same height his feet would still dangle no matter how much he stretched his body to try and touch the floor.

This wasn't exactly the worst of it.


It was when his eyes locked with those coal black ones. Eyes that looked at him coldly and seemed bottomless. He was unable to look away even as his vision began to blur, chest aching as the air he was getting was so thin.

It was strange how he held him up like this, yet didn't tighten his hand around his throat more. Rather he loosened his grip enough so he could get a bit more air, but why?

An icy feeling stung at his throat, colder then the rest of his body was. He felt his insides slowly filling with this incredibly icy feeling, chasing away any warmth his body may have and snuffing it out. The icy feeling spreads, unstoppable.

Tears fall from the corners of his eyes, no longer even struggling as he cold no longer focus on anything besides this chill and small amount of air. With how cold he was, he was surprised his tears did not turn to ice as soon as they left his body. No they were still warm somehow, at least in till they reached his cheeks where they lost whatever warmth they may have had.

"See. Look at you. What can you do like this?" A soft, harsh whisper in his ear. "The smallest bit of my power already has you like this. I needed to use far more on that child, your pathetically weak." It seemed Neal had been brought closer to the man so he could place his lips by his ear to whisper this. Not that Neal paid any mind to that, only focusing on what he caught from those words.

"Y..ggghhh" He attempted to speak, but it was near impossible with the little amount of air he had. So instead he settled on glaring at this man through half opened, watery eyes, wishing to kick him in the face.

This fucking bastard used this weird cold on Azarias? Even colder then this? This to a child? What a damned scum bag!

Neal reached out a shaky hand, wanting to grab ahold of the curly locks and yank them out. However he couldn't even lift his arm, unable to feel it anymore.

Coal black eyes watched, taking in the beautiful tear stained face. He did get pleasure from punishing others, however he had never once thought one beautiful till now. After all snot cuts and that were never appealing to look at, perhaps satisfying if he was the one inflicting them.

Was this pretty face human? It certainly wasn't a common look with that race, perhaps by magic but their didn't seem to be any enchantments. It was a small thought, but not really the important one.

No, what was interesting to him was this strange feeling under his fingertips. The only reason why he had not ripped the soul out of him yet.

It was this warmth underneath his fingertips surrounded by a strange tingly feeling. It spread up his arm and rather then be worried about it he found himself automatically accepting it. It gave no threat after all, and as it made its way throughout his body he felt strangely energized and comfortable.

Stranger yet, when he had brought him closer this strong scent of lavender hit him. It wasn't coming from his clothing or certain places like perfumes and that usually did, no it stemed straight from his skin. 

Interesting. Maybe he shouldn't kill this human, its not like he was a threat. Even with that cute little glare, hah not even a little bit intimidating. 

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