Chapter 17 (Unedited)

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The way he trembled as if he had been left out in the ice cold rain brought a smile to rouge stained lips. The type of smile that in no way reached those coal black eyes of his. The eyes of one that had not an ounce of pity or sympathy for the being before him. 

The shivering man knew he was within the den of a great beast whose hunger never faded, and his chances of escape could be compared to trying to find a needle in a haystack. The shivering mans gaze shifted upward to look upon the face of the one whom held his life in his hands. Meeting an ice cold gaze paired along oddly with an amused smirk. 

It really didn't match, and made a sickening feeling swim within his stomach.

It was hard to imagine someone as old as him would be so afraid of such a young looking man, whom looked to be in his early twenties. He wasn't particularly large or bulky, well from what he could tell from where he kneeled. Yet despite this, this man, no this evil being, before him made him feel as if his soul was laid out bare before him. As if at any moment he could simply reach out and pull his soul from him, leaving his body a empty husk. 

For this particular person, it was possible. He had felt the fingertips trace the edges of his soul before. He didn't want to experience that again, it was far to frightening. Even more so the ones he had seen it done completely to. 

This was especially terrifying when you consider demons aren't ones you should usually be able to take souls from, to reach in and rip it out without harming the main body at all was completely unbelievable. Then to be able to place it back in...

He began to tremble more, unable to speak out a word no matter how much he struggled to make even a single sound. It was difficult because he was afraid. 

"Throw him in the pig pen" A voice that made ones body feel as if ice water was being poured deep inside them filled his ears. 

"W-Wha-" Surprise crossed his features, before all the color seemed to leave his face. He couldn't utter a single word more before he felt as if he were choking on the air around him. His hands quickly went to his throat to try and relieve the pressure uselessly. Even as he was dragged out all he could think about was what he had done to make him angry. 


How he wiggled, the look of surprise in his eyes made him want to laugh. Just because he prolonged his demise didn't mean it wouldn't happen, after all men like this he really couldn't stand. He only let him live longer because it was useful for him.

But now he was no longer needed, and finally he wouldn't need to look upon his disgusting form no more. 

"Pity to the pigs to have to view such a creature" He spoke as if he did feel bad in some way about it, of course towards the pigs. However the smile upon his lips spoke otherwise, after all it was satisfying to depose of such men. 

The candle flames which lit up the large room flickered as if a sudden breeze pushed against them. It caught his attention, although he was in no hurry to tilt his head forward to look even further down by where his feet were crossed in front of him.

"Lillian, you've returned quickly. Not even notifying anyone before entering?" Coal black eyes focus in to look at the little gothic Lolita girl who knelt a few feet away from where he sat in the silver throne. 

"I apologize your Majesty. It is just I felt this was very important to tell you right away" She kept her head bowed, locks of blond hair tied up into twin tails stood out on the dark lack of her black headband. 

He sat up a bit straighter, coal eyes becoming more focused as he looked upon the small girl. 

"Raise your head and tell me what it is." If she said it was important then he knew enough it would be good to listen. 

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