Chapter 4 (Unedited)

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A warm meal, well any kind of meal really, looked so mouth wateringly good when hungry. Even if it was a small bowl, Neal was not complaining. The scent of the potato soup was overwhelming, he could not wait to take a bite.

The few things on the side were rather appealing as well. Such as the leftover mashed potatoes, potato salad, and home made potato chips.

Lets just say her father was a potato farmer with some good potatoes harvested this year so far.

Despite the abundance of potatoes in this house, Neal was still being considerably spoiled by the girl who went as far as to freshly make many of these side dishes, rather then just gather up what was left of yesterdays supper. She wanted to get Neal to warm up to her and tell her his story, such tales must be easier spoken on a full stomach!

Before she could begin asking some questions, after he thanked her and began eating a few bites, the door suddenly burst open and a man leaning against the door frame for support stumbled in.

Mariams heart rate picked up as she began to panic slightly on how her father may react to her having invited a stranger into the house.

He certainly didn't like her bringing that giant rainbow snail in last time, or that cursed chair that had him stuck in it for a week.

A tired looking many covered in dirt and carrying two large bags of potatoes over his shoulders had come in. The load seeming to be a bit to much as he reached his limit and searched for some support from his surroundings. Quick to put the bags down against the wall once he entered.

As he noticed the small unfamiliar sack by the door his eyebrows furrowed, wondering if his daughter had picked up something strange again.

"Mariam, why didn't you come meet me in the field at lunch like you said you would? I thought you wanted to share some fruit together and help me carry the harvest home?" The older man pouts like a child as he came in, wondering how it is his daughter always got so distracted whenever something new came into her vision.

Of course when he walked in he did not expect to see a stranger sitting at the dinner table eating the last bowl of potato soup he had saved for himself. It wasn't often they made potato soup after all, and he was hoping to enjoy a bigger meal then normal after a long day of work but alas it seems his daughter had other plans. His sacrifice yesterday to save that soup seemed pointless now.

He sighed and took in the new face whom paid him no mind as he continued on eating. Droplets of liquid from the soup dripping from the corner of his lips and onto the shirt he wore.

"Mariam, who is this?" A sigh mixed with a cross of his arms, this certainly was no surprise to the potato farmer.

Meanwhile Neal was munching, enjoying the taste of the food. The more he ate the more hazy his mind felt and he was sure he would sleep so well if he were allowed to sleep on a bed after this.

He noticed the man covered in dirt walk in, but paid no mind at first since he was so absorbed in eating the food.

This pretty boy had a mythical air about him, which bothered the potato farming. Surely nothing his daughter brought in was any good, no matter how harmless it seemed.

"Papa! Your home!" The girl got up from the table and tackled her father in a hug.

She then whispered something in her fathers ear and his expression softened, Neal didn't hear a word of it,  even though he was paying attention now to the two.

He wondered if maybe the dad would get angry at him being there and kick him out.

He got up and gave a small nod of his head in greeting.

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