Chapter 15 (Unedited)

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"No touching."

"You need to let me treat his wounds, please move aside."

"No, We can treat him Ourself"

"Child, I just want to help him. If I had ill intentions I would not have taken you two strangers from the streets and brought you into my home."

The wet feeling of something dragging across his arm followed by a deep sigh is what awoke Neal from his deep rest. 

Opening his eyes he would bear witness to Azarias locking eyes with a stranger, both staring each other down in a power of wills seeing who would back down first. 

Neal looked over the stranger who sat by his bed side holding a damp cloth in his hand. Azarias is holding onto the strangers wrist, stopping him from using the cloth to clean Neals dirt covered skin. In Azarias's other hand was Neals own arm which had a clear spot of saliva on it where Azarias had licked his arm. 

This...just what was going on? It was hard to process since Neals head ached, as well as his whole body. He felt sore and uncomfortable, just wanting to go back onto the painlessness which was sleep. 



Upon hearing Neals voice Azarias broke his gaze away from the man he was staring down and wrapped his arms around Neals neck, rubbing the side of his head against the side of Neals head happily. 

Neals soft hair tickled Azarias cheek, but he didn't mind as he was so happy to see Neal awake. 

"It is good to see you awake" A gentle voice that sounded like it was caressing his ears filled them. Neal looked over to the stranger, a young man with hot chocolate colored hair tied back in a loose elastic. Matching his hair was similar deep brown eyes which were warm and comforting to look into. He had a very big aura of 'calm and healing' and seemed fairly young as well, perhaps not that much of a age difference to Neal. 

Azarias cast a glare in the strangers direction, Neal unaware of fit, clearly untrusting of the other. Unlike Neal whom was pretty unguarded despite what happened, Azarias is very on edge worried other people would come to hurt Neal as well. He didn't have a very good impression after running into those young men earlier. 

"I can see you are a bit confused. My name is Havin, and I brought you here after finding you passed out on the streets. You seem to have gotten into a very unlucky situation, I can assure you in here you don't have to worry about those trouble makers" Havin had a warm smile which made Neal relax a little, although he was still processing the change of area. His head aching to much to focus to hard on anything. 

Azarias continued to glare, not liking this person at all. He wanted to carry Neal away, but he was to weak to carry Neal so he could only sit here stubbornly swatting at Havin's hand whenever he tried to reach over to where Neal laid. 

Havin could only sigh at the childs behavior, wondering how he would treat the wounds if he wasn't able to lay a finger on Neal. The best he managed was picking him up from the ground while the little kid hit his legs, once he had put Neal down on the bed he hadn't been able to touch him since. 

Convincing the child he was just taking Neal somewhere to heal was hard enough, now how was he to help him heal?

It was interesting to view the strange pair that appeared in the small village. The child with strange markings and the boy with the looks of a young beauty, it would be no surprise if people began to think of him as a woman.

"Oh..thank you, Havin?" Neal felt this was a kind action, although a bit on edge due to how things usually went once the harshness fell into a calm. Why was this boy helping him? He didn't have anything of value to give him after all, maybe this was truly a kind person for once?

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