Chapter 13 (Unedited)

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The small child can not help but shiver as the icy breeze gently caresses his face. The only thing exposed among the bundle he has become within the layers of blankets Neal wrapped him up in.

Usually Azarias would be running around the yard while Neal napped or did some house hold chores, today however was different as it was fairly cooler then usual.

 It is not cold enough weather for Neal to be concerned of bundling up himself, however Azarias behaved as if it were the dead of winter with how much he had been shivering after stepping out this morning. Only content once he was sitting within Neal's arms.

Neal observed the area, noticing various leaves had begun to shift in colour. Was fall upon them already? It had perhaps been around a month of them staying here, now it seemed it may be wise to prepare to get a move on. 

After all where they were staying could in no way handle winter, not with how many gaps were in the walls and how even a light rain had the roof leaking endlessly. 

Looking down at Azarias who was napping in his arms, Neal was filled with many worries and concerns. After all this child was defiantly irregular, the growth rate so unusual even Neal who was with him everyday could not help but notice. Already the child had to be the height of the average seven year old, with his hair just below his shoulders, and eyes that seemed to change colour now and then, which he could be imagining but was unsure. 

Beforehand Neal knew not to expect any kind of normal human child to come out of the egg, well anything resembling a human coming out of an egg was shocking on its own, but it was still such an odd thing to witness.

Well this was not important anyway, he needed to focus more on what to do with the coming of winter. He could try staying here, but he felt that unfair to Azarias who could barely handle the beginning of fall. 

He needed to find a place with better heating.

Neal let out a heavy sigh, not looking foreword to stepping back out there. After all he had not the best experience thus far, and now he had to worry about Azarias getting hurt. The responsibility of another's life was heavy on his shoulders, but he did not mind.

 At least with Azarias he would not be alone, not feel that emptiness that being alone brought. He would make sure to do things right this time so he would not lose Azarias to whatever he lost Marshall to. Whatever caused him to suddenly become so pained, Neal would do his best to make sure Azarias never went through that. 

At these thoughts Neal began to frown, a painful twist in his stomach as he recalled his inability to help Marshall during that time. Unable to bring a smile to his lips, rather just watch as the darkness grew without having any control in stopping it. 

"Neal?" The familiar voice broke Neal from his thoughts. A barely opened eyed Azarias staring up at him sleepily with a concerned gaze. "Are you alright?"

"Uh, I am fine. Why are you asking?" Neal responded automatically, eyebrows furrowing slightly as he grew confused on why Azarias asked him this. Pulling a half smile as if trying to go the extra mile to convince Azarias he was just fine. 

"No reason" Azarias smiles at him, reaching up to warp his arms around his neck before jumping up to hug him, resting his head in the crook of his shoulder.

Azarias was not sure why Neal always took on that blank, sad look in his eyes, but he didn't like it. It was as if Neal was drifting away to a place he couldn't go, where he wasn't. That made him feel a very uncomfortable itch, which made him immediately want to hold on tight to him. 

He felt it was due to the person Neal spoke of before, and he didn't like it. He needed to make sure these faces on Neal never appear again, when together Neal should just focus on him, on them.

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