Chapter Three: Flesh to metal

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I was in pain. My eye started to hurt more and more and I was arm less. I thought, why did they do this to me? No... I have to stop thinking negatively and think positively. I get to see the lab and the layout. My blood made a path from our cell to the room called the operating room where the guards took me. I say a mechanical arm on the table along with an bionic eyeball. They told me to lay on the operation bed and injected an injection into me. My eyesight went hazy and than went to black.

B. Kimblee

I watched the operation that was in progress. They attached the arm to her shoulder and connect the wires that hang out of her eye socket. I looked away from the glass window.

"Mmm what type of injections do we have left?" I asked.

"We have panther, snake, and other traces of unknown animals."

"I see. The second girl will be injected with the DNA of the panther tomorrow."

"Yes, Sir."

I turned my hand back to the operation down below, "The perfect weapons to start a war. A perfect way to scare the government. A perfect way for the branch family to take control."


I slowly got up and sat up right on the bed. I notice the information next to the people in the room. I grabbed the rail that was next to the bed and I couldn't feel the metal on the rail. The door opened.
The guards stood at attention as Kimblee walked in.

"I see that you are able to sit up now," Kimblee said, smiling.

"Why did you do this to me?" I asked.

"We need you to be stronger than you were before. We need you for a special operation that we have assigned you and your friend. For now on your name is Agustina and your last name will stay the same."

"What's the second name for?" I asked.

"People will be after you, it is best to protect your identity," He said.

"The recovery time will be at least a year sir," A Doctor stated.

"That will be fine," Kimblee said.

"Happy to serve you Dr. Kimblee."

"Guard take her to her cell," Kimblee said.

He gave me some new clothes.

"Here, Your old clothes had blood on them," Kimblee said, smiling.

I grabbed it and the guards took me back to my room. Before I exit out the door, I heard him speaking to another doctor.

"She will be the perfect machine for our plan, " He said.

We got to the room and Celeste jumped from the bed she was sitting on. She ran up to me and grabbed my arms. Celeste heard the metal clang against each other, and she looked at my face and saw a different eye color.

"W-what did they do to you?" She asked.

"They replaced my right arm and left eye with mechanical part," I said.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help the other guards were holding me down," Celeste said.

"It's okay. They also gave me a second name."

"What is it?"

"My second name is Agustina," I told her.

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