Chapter Twenty-Three: Could It Be You?

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I looked around the room.

"It will be bare without its owner," I said.

I looked back at the desk and say a note on the computer. I picked it up and said, "If I should die, I give all documents and reports that I had made to Colonel Isabella Yang and her team." I picked up another note that had something else on it. "Dr. Blade Kimblee's plan: capture everyone in Colonels team and have their super soldiers invade the capital. They will be the generals of his army. He will start to invade other countries to gain more land and to governor everyone," I grabbed the notes, and his notebook and put it into my bag. I went downstairs to the others.

"I found some notes from Emanuel. It has Kimblee's plan on it and also an all access pass for Isabella and the team," I said, handing Isabella the note.

"Yeah I'm sorry I didn't get to tell you but he said that he thanks the Colonel for letting him in the team and he wanted for all of you to have all the documents that he has reported and kimblee's plan," Niko said.

"I wished we could have saved him," Celeste said.

"Wait. He was killed because he found out Kimblee's plan. We could have saved him if he told us. He was hunted. So if he was hunted, who shot him when he was driving. The person that was hunting him must have known that he was driving," William said.

"It must have been someone that saw us leave."

"I might have saw someone there. While we were in the fog," I said.

"Who did you see?!" Ariana asked.

"I couldn't see anyone. My eye started to glitch out when I say the person. It wouldn't be Geller or Kimblee for sure. Geller wasn't the one that designed my eye when I got it. Kimblee would be one ei-"

"No it has to be Kimblee because he had a controller that shocked your eye!" Yovany said.

"No Kimblee doesn't make it. It was given to him. There was a different name on the controller. It someone else," I said. "Oh wait! Did Dr. Phil make the equipment?"

"I think so. Niko you were close to him. Did he say anything like that?" Celeste asked.

"Yeah. Now that you mentioned it. He was one of the technicians there. That's what he told us. He happened to be really good at shooting a sniper"

"It might have been him. My eye said that his last name started with a P and ended with a L. It also said that he had a Doctorate degrees in technology engineering and the medical field."

"So... it was this Phil you meant. Where would he go?" Isabella asked.

"He felt for the north. I have his phone number."

"Give it to me."

"No no we will call him. Anyone else he doesn't know he might hang up. So we will ask."

"Alright then."

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