Chapter Forty-Three: Goodbye Old Friend

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I didn't even tell the group that I was leaving to the north. At least they will be able to call me if they need me. I got out of the taxi and walked into the cemetery. There are a lot of people today. I walked up and saw the President looking down the two graves. I walked up to the grave and placed a Bouquet of lilies.

"You know something Matt, I wasn't expecting that he would die so shown," He said.

"Yeah I know... I knew him from when I presented something for his school. He was a bright kid," I said.

"And I wasn't expecting, that person to kill him was you Matt," He said.

I wasn't shocked to hear that from him. Agustina must have told him about me killing him. I kept my eye on his tombstone. The person next to him was the person that died to save the president from a bullet that the Fuhrer shot.

"But I know you Matt. You wouldn't kill him under free will. It was Blades fault that he's died. It goes the same for Soul. He was the one that saved me from the Fuhrer's shot. Blade will never be forgiven for this," August said.

I knew the Kimblee bloodline since I was a kid. Blade killed his own parents and was about to kill August for the sack of having the role as President. I was forced into this at 13. August warned me about this and I didn't listen. I got stuck with Blade. I was the one to find the president at the time, which happened to be his father and his mother the second one to take control if the husband died. The treaty that was signed today will make all the branch family able to rule if the president is missing unless they are an only child like President Boyd.

"I didn't want to kill him. If I didn't, Blade would have killed everyone in my family to get a yes out of me. I still need to make sure that they are okay," I said.

"Yes I know that you must leave. Are you leaving forever?" He asked.

"I'm sure August. I'm not coming back to Selvia. Even though Blade is in prison, he can escape. I'm not safe in Selvia. We are going north to stay hidden from Blade. I'm sorry that I have to go on short notice," I said.

"No, it's safer for your family to leave Selvia. Blade is a smart person. I would assume that he would. My General and the team will deal with anything relating to Blade, Halsey, Jason, and Caleb," August said. "No one is safe. Lilyanna's group think that it's over but Blade will come after them when he gets the chance. Those two groups will decide whether or not to work for the military. And even when they don't, they will still be under our protection."

"I'm sure that they will be fine. This is Agustina and the team your talking about. They took down Blade. I'm sure that they can do it again," I said. "Here take this."

I handed it to him.

"What's this?" He asked.

"My phone number. If you need me, this is the number to reach me. Give it to the General and Agustina as well," I said.

"Yeah, I will once they come back from their week off. Thanks Matt. Thanks for coming to see the Lieutenant Colonel and the Corporal," August said.

"No problem. I have to go. Call me if you need me." I said, walking away waving to him from behind.

"Yeah, you got it. Goodbye old friend," August said.

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