Chapter Twelve: Their Intentions

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"What are we going to do, Bell?" Ariana asked.

"Well, we don't know who to trust. But we can trust Yovany and Emanuel," I said

"What about William?" Ariana asked.

"No, I don't trust him. Not now at least," I said. "He's not the person I know."

I drove to Yovany's house. We knocked on the door.

"What do you guys want?" He said tried.

I showed him the documents.

"Wait for a minutes," He said taking a look around. "come in."

"Sorry to barge in," I said.

"No it's alright. How did you get those anyway?"

I pointed at Ariana. She sniped the keys around in her finger.

"She had the keys to the investigation department," I said.

"Wait! So you had the keys!" Yovany yelled.

I looked around Yovany's place. Something was off about his home.

"Hello!" he yelled.

"I can't tell you here who else lives in your home?" I asked.

"William lives here too. Why?" He asked. "I can go get him if you want."

"No. We have to talk somewhere else," Ariana stated.

"What's going on down here?" Williams asked.

Me and Ariana pointed our guns at him.

"Whoa! What are you doing?!" Yovany said.

"What were you doing in the command center early Major," I asked.


"What do you mean? I was here at home working on the case you gave me."

"Colonel can you lower weapon please. He was here, I was helping him with the case," I said.

They lowered their guns.

"Than who was that guy at the command center than if it wasn't you," Ariana asked.

"There was someone there in the investigation department though," Isabella said.

"We can go to Emanuel's places to see the camera's for the command center. We should also get Emanuel involved into the situation. It seems that we are all connected."

"How are we all connected?"

"Earlier I found someone in my offices. Yovany said that he was attacked by that same person matching the description that Emanuel sent to us."

"All right then. Let's go."

"I don't think it's a good idea to leave out the front," Ariana said.

We looked outside and saw multiple military men and women outside the front.

"I knew it," Isabella is said. "You got another way out."

"Down here!" William said.

He removed the carpet that lead to our basement. We jumped in.

"Where does this lead to?" Isabella asked.

"To all of our homes, to the command center, and a underground system that leads to a bunker," They said.

"Did you make this or was it already here. Because it's a little weird that it connects to the command center and all of our homes. Along with a bunker," Ariana asked.

"It was here when we moved here. The military did give us these homes though."


"Uh William random question," I said.

"What's up?" William asked.

"Are you sure you didn't get my voicemail?" I asked.

"I told you already! I didn't get any voicemails," William said.

"On 11:00 2029 November 11, I sent a voicemail to you," I told him.

"But I didn't get any voicemail from you," William stated frustrated.

I took his phone from him and checked his voicemail. There was no voicemail there but I was sure I can get it from the deleted box.

"What are you doing?!" He said concerned.

"Getting your voicemails back."


"Lily's friends are weird," I whispered to Bella.

"I learned to understand them," Bella whispered back.

"I just need to type this in and got it," Yovany said.
"Now read it!"

"You did leave a voicemail," he said, pushing the play button.

"William it's me Yovany, I just wanted to let you know that you gave me the wrong documents. If you can please call and give the documents to me tomorrow I need it."

"But I didn't give you the wrong documents, it was in the manila folder that had top secret on it stamped in red," William exclaimed.

"You mean this folder?" Isabella asked holding the folder up.

"Yes it's that one how did you get it?" He asked.

"The investigations department where you used to work in," Isabella said. "Why did you keep these from me when I asked for them?"

"The investigation department. Wait! You stole those? I can get in trouble if anyone takes any files without permission. I'm still technically the head of the investigation department. How did you get in anyways?"

"What happens when the president gives you all the keys to the higher offices." Isabella stated, showing the keys and spinning it around.

"Enough talk let's just got to Emanuel's places."

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