Decision to Go to the Radio Station

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They decided to check out the bomb and asked for me to come along. We headed for the bomb locking the stairs to the fourth floor. I went to look at it first.

"This isn't an everyday bomb... military made. These aren't a problem," I said. "This shouldn't take long. Just need the code."


Everyone backed up from me and I punched in the code for the door. The bomb started to tick. I went to work. I did what I had to do and I told everyone to come over to the lock. I swinged the door open and lead everyone inside.

"Where is this radio station you mentioned?" The Lieutenant Colonel asked.

"Over here," I said.

I tried the door. It was locked.

"It's locked. We have to find the key for it."

Lilyanna took a look at the door. There was a key card scanner next to the door. She asked the Major to give her the Keycards.

"But the Captain's key cards shouldn't work for this! This is a newer part of the building!" I yelled.

She scanned it on the scanner. A unlock sound was made. The door opened. We walked inside and the Lieutenant Colonel got to the radio.

"This keycard was made last week. This is someones keycard that is working with the fake President. They used the Captains name and picture to hide their identity. The fingerprints are all over it."

"Wouldn't it be the Major's fingerprints then?" Fuhrer Hayato asked.

"No he has white gloves on."

"What about my gloves and fingerprints?" The major asked.

"These are someone else's fingerprint. While reading them, it was someone from the Bradley familyline. Must be the same one that wrote the notes and broke the cameras."

We heard static from the radio. The Lieutenant Colonel was working on getting a signal to hear what is happening in Sneuso and SosTax.

"This is Sneuso."

"The capital is overruned by Selvia! I don't think we can survive much longer out here! Send in more men!"

She shut it off, "This is SosTax."

"Selvian forces and Sneuson forces are storming into the capitol building! Wait... No this can't be! They have taken the Vice President hostage."

"... SosTax... it's already too late for us. We lost already..." President Boyd said, his loss disappearing.

"Due to the absent of the Vice President and President Boyd, SosTax military has decided to surrender to Selvian leader President August Kimblee. This is a tragic lost for SosTax. We have also received a confirmation that Snueso has surrendered as well. Selvia is now in control of the other two superpowers."

We fell silent. There wasn't anything we can do now. Now that the capitals have fallen, we can't retake it like this. The citizens will suffer if we attack. They will be under control of President "August" Kimblee. The Fake President...

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