Chapter Twenty-One: Operation Game Plan

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"Underground?" I asked.

"Yes. It's unexpected and it would most likely be no one guarding that area," Lily said. "The map William."

He throw the little device from his bag onto the table. A hologram version of the capital showed up.

She moved the figure around and zoomed into the bottom of the building.

"This is the most recent map of the capital right?" I asked.

"Yes it is," William said.

"Most of the guards are posted near entrances and exits. If we followed with the Colonel's plan, we would have ran into multiple guards in the front and the back of the building," Lily said.

"I see that, but there are multiple ways in the hall of the sewer," I said.

"Yes there are, but we can split up from the center and meet up at the armory. So it will be harder for us to get caught," Celeste said.

Lily high fived her.

"I know that you guys know your way around the capital like the back of your hand. We should create four different groups with one of each member of the military," Lily followed up.

"So we will do Lily, me and Ni-" Isabella said.

"No we can't split the groups like this," Lily said stepping in. "I think it's best for us to place me with another officer."

I looked at her confused. Why didn't she want to go with Isabella? I thought.

"Why do you think you should go with another officer?"

"I believe that we should split the group by their abilities. So we should split it like this, Isabella, Jade, Jenny. Me, Ariana, Celeste, and than Yovany, William, and Niko. The president will stay here and hid out. He wouldn't be useful."

"I agree on the groups," Isabella said.

She must have noticed that she was acting selfish for having lily in a group with her. I wouldn't have agreed with the groups if I had the opportunity to have my sister to be on the same team, I thought.

"Now that we have the groups sorted, we can discuss the plan," Jake said.

"Here's the game plan. We attract his armies by preparing for war with the capitals military. We send our soldiers to different places around the city to distract their forces," Isabella said.

"Our casualty numbers would be off the charts. There must be a different way to distract his forces. Sending our men to different parts of the city would weaken us," Yovany said.

He was right. Our men would weaken as we lose more and more men, I thought.

"What if our forces are order to attack us? I'm sure that the doctor would order them to. Since he runs the system," William said.

"We should ask other people to join us," Jade said.

"Who jade? We don't know anyone else but us?" Jake said.

"There is some people within the military that we know we can send a message to them," I said.

"We send a message to them but how they going to contact use again Kimblee would find who sent it," Celeste said.

"We would have to sneak in to get them," I said. "We have a system of networks underground that leads to everywhere in the city. We can use those routes."

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