Chapter Thirty-Eight: Useless

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We were split up into two groups I was with Lieutenant Colonel Xiong, Celeste, Niko, and the President of Selvia. It's weird that Ethan and most of all Phoenix aren't here. We didn't find anything in the last hour. Nothing yet? We even tried to radio the other group but we weren't getting anything from them. We were starting to get worried. We radio the people in the medical room, but they said that they didn't get anything from them as well.

"I'm starting to get worried about them," Niko said.

"Yeah same here. Not one radio transmission from them," Celeste said.

"Come one stay close we can't afford to get separated," Lieutenant Colonel Xiong said.

"Lieutenant Colonel, what exactly are we doing?"

"Looking for your brother Mr. President. This ends here," Lieutenant Colonel Xiong said.

"How nice to know I have people that are looking for me," Someone said.

We turned around. Kimblee was standing there with Fuhrer Hayato.

"Fuhrer Hayato! Are you hurt?!" Lieutenant Colonel Xiong asked.

"Hurt? I'm not hurt. Why would my lover hurt me?"

"What??!!" All of us gasped, expect for President Kimblee.

"I expect it as much that you'll be working with my brother Hayato,"President Kimblee said.

Both of them pulled out a gun at us. We started to back up from them. We went for our guns. The President went behind us.

"What now?" I asked.

No answer.

"Guys?" I asked again, looking behind me.

They were gone. Where'd they go?!?!

"What did you do to them?!" I yelled. "Where are they?!"

"I don't know Blade do you think we should just take this on as well~" Hayato asked.

"Let's not. He's useless when he's missing his arms," Kimblee said.

I didn't know what he meant just then but just in a few minutes, two soldiers ran towards me from the back and the front, and ripped my arms off. I lost my balance and fell to the ground.

"Dammit..."  I said.

"You have done your job. Now take these arms and dismantle them. Agustina wouldn't be able to fix it without them," Kimblee said.

I looked to the ground. The Fuhrer walked up to me and grabbed my chin.

"Oh~ look how pitiful you are. You have the look of desperation in your eyes. You poor useless military officer. How can you save your friends now without your most precious equipment?" She said.

I pulled away from her. Fuhrer... meaning ruthless and tyrannical. Phoenix... we are in a rock and a hard place. They walked away and left me here by myself. I pushed myself up and went to the wall next to me and sat down.

"I'm useless now. How am I going to continue?" I asked myself. "When she said my 'friends' does she mean Phoenix and Ethan? They must have captured him again."

I looked up to the ceiling. I am really useless now. I can't even fix my own arms...



Yovany and I walked to the medical room hoping to see the other group on the way.

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