Chapter Six

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Eli boarded the train several seconds after us, and pushed us through to a very fancy carriage, with diamond chandeliers, couches made of animal skins and a crystal drinks bar to help yourself to. The train was moving already, and moving so fast the outside world had become a blur. Goodbye District 10 I thought.

 "Right! Logan and Raven! Raven and Logan! Welcome! Make yourselves at home, I will fetch Drew and Valeria. Isn't this just exhilarating?"

 "No," I said coldly, causing Logan to chuckle. Eli, on the other hand, was not amused.

 "Well, how rude! There was no need for that tone! Do they not teach you to respect your elders in District 10?"

 "Not when they're from the Capitol."

 Eli evidently couldn't think of a decent comeback, and so flounced out the room. Logan grinned as he sat down next to me, but I was ready for a more serious conversation with him. 

 "So...I spoke to your father."

 "And you'll do it?"

 I stared at him for what seemed like a long while and then shook my head. He looked hurt, and he planted his hands on my shoulders "Look, Raven, I've accepted my death, why can't you?"

 "You're asking me to let you die and to be okay with it!"

 "Yes, that is exactly what I'm asking you! You have more chance than I do. And now you have Eddie to go home to."

 "How do you know about that?" I snapped.

 "Well, the ring is a bit of a giveaway," he said smugly, almost back to his normal self. I was about to shout at him, but Eli returned with Valeria and Drew. I stood and offered my hand for Drew to shake. He ignored me completely and sat in the seat I had just occupied. I tried not to show him that it bothered me, and instead let Valeria kiss both my cheeks.

 "I'm sorry that you were chosen. I believe you are the engaged to be married to my nephew?"

 "Yes," I said, forcing a smile "Hopefully I will return so that the marriage can go ahead."

 "That's the spirit," Drew said dryly "Bet you can't wait to get out there and kill some other kids."

 I glared at him "You know, I once had sympathy for you. Now? Not so much."

 "You think I care? You think I give a damn what you think of me?"

 "Stop it both of you. We have important issues to discuss, and I haven't got time for this sort of behaviour from either of you. Sit down," Valeria ordered. She frightened me a bit. I could see why she was a victor. She had power. Of course, we obeyed. I sat on a couch with Logan, and we looked up at our female mentor expectantly.

 "Firstly. Your image. How you look and act will be important for getting sponsors, so you must always be on your toes. Raven you already come across as strong and bold from the way you handled the reaping, which is good, but we need you to keep it up. Hopefully, your stylist will be able to assist you with that. Logan, it's going to be trickier with you, I'll admit. As you can imagine, being the Mayor's son, people will quickly target you. We need you to show us, and all the other tributes, that you can be deadly. Have you got any special skills? Can you use any weapons?"

 "Not really. I'm quite fit, and a good runner."

 "How about darts? You beat your father," I piped up, "Remember? At that party? Surely knife throwing could be useful?"

 "That's a very good point, Raven. What about you?"

 "I'm pretty good at darts too. And I can use a sword. My father taught me."

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